Comment to 'Website Update'
Comment to Website Update
  • Please share your thoughts on the redesign of the content pages on the site. Forums, Articles, Groups, Posts, photos have been modified for faster loading and more mobile friendly. Some feed back would be appreciated.

    • Gary,

      Here's a few ideas. 1) People like exciting upcoming events and things that are interactive. I would have live podcasts once or twice a month with special guest speakers. You could have any upcoming dog events such as Westminster, Iron dog event, etcetera and what dog they think will win, and even critique events in a positive way such as Westminster would be a better organization with health testing, and for every conformation include a working event. I would also have regular podcasts with members talking about their breed of choice. Along with any topic that is dog related like what they feed their dog, barf diet and why. Any dog topic that can be written about can be talked about. 2) I would also include a job category to the website. There are countless people looking for a dog trainer, veterinarian, breeder etcetera in their area and molosserdogs would attract those wanting those services. 3) I would also have people who build steel buildings, masons, construction workers have a podcast on what they can build for those wanting a kennel built on their property. With these different services you will attract a lot of visitors to the website and with a lot of visitors comes advertisers like food advertisers, harnesses, protective dog vests, collars, etcetera. This will offset the expenses you have with a website. I hear google made quite a good living off of advertising. These are some ideas you may want to consider.