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Website Update

I am redesigning the website to made it load faster and present pertinent info up front.

Hello Molosser fans. I have modified the homepage layout and am working on simplifying the site. Please let me know what you think when you have a chance.

  1. Removed the shoutbox which is rarely used.
  2. Removed the profile stats - you can still view your profile Dashboard by clicking on your profile photo. Dashboard https://molosserdogs.com/dashboard
  3. Removed redundant block for discussions/categories
  4. Removed Groups and Organizations from the home page. They are still available from the menu.
  5. Removed Articles from the home page. They are still available from the menu.
  6. Removed some photos/gallery blocks from the homepage.

All functions are still present on the menu. I will clean up a few more pages every day for this week to speed up and make using the site more intuitive.

Please share your thoughts on the changes.

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