For anyone interested, successful breeding and whelping videos availalbe from a renowned expert on the topic, Dr. Robert Hutchinson They hyperlink before doesnt seem to open a new page, so cut and paste into browser: [link=hyperlink url]http://www.northviewvet.com/site/view/102098_DrHutchisonsDVDs.pml [/link] DR. ROBERT V. HUTCHISON Education 1972 The Ohio State University DVM Canine Reproduction, Infertility, Pediatric Care Dr. Hutchison is the director of the International Canine Semen Bank - Ohio, a canine frozen semen center which he started in 1984. He speaks nationally and internationally to veterinary and breeder groups. Dr. Hutchison has published numerous articles, authored textbook chapters on canine reproduction, and produced a DVD on dog breeding which is available at Animal Clinic Northview.