Comment to 'REALLY need help/advice.'
  • Hi,
    I sended the story to my brother who is a dogtrainer and this is his answer.
    The son is a quit one I geuss and has less attention for Butch. I think the son is very very welcome and does not perform a great welcome ritual when returns home. In Dogs eyes this makes him a very dominant male. Each time he leaves he leaves and may start his own Pack for as Butch knwos it. So when he returns he is a possible threat to take over dad's pack of which Butch is part of. Therefore Butch will trat the sun with caution.
    If I am right this may be a solution:
    When te son returns first he must ignore  Butch but pay respect to dad (in Butch's eyes). Son may hug dad or bring him food. It might help if the son does not enter himself but wait until he is invited in by dad. Then Son must not play or pet Butch he should do something together as equal, go hunting (walk the dog) and when you return present the catch (another cooky) to dad.
    Doing that will accoumplish two things: Butch knows the son is still part of the pack not from outside and its clear that dad is still the leader of that pack, there will be no quarrel over leadership.
    Butch will be more secure but might be more enthausiastic when the son comes home. So next step will be not walking Butch directly after return home but only when the exitement of the return is calmed down.
    So quite something to read back and I am very very curious if it works. Main thing it's not that butch is afraid of the sun hes insucure because sun had left the pack end returns which may cause a change inpickorder or struggle about it.