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REALLY need help/advice.

Sorry i missed it, but what breed do you have?

Did he came in your household as a puppie?

Replies (10)
    • I have a strange and, it appears UNIQUE situation. My boy is almost 3 years old and he's done VERY WELL in PP training but he acts VERY strangely towards my 24 year old son. My son has obviously been around my dog but only when he came home from college, but he's been here since May of 2012 so he's been around more than ever.  When my son WOULD come around he didn't really have anything to do with my dog but he was never mean towards him, he'd half pet him a little bit but very briefly. Now, here's the situation, my son comes over on the weekends now and when he does my dog almost DETECTS him pulling up because he IMMEDIATELY gets up and starts barking almost viciously and when my son comes in he barks even more in his deep boy bark but when my son approaches he backs away at times with his tail between his legs, he used to play bow but NOW it's almost in fear. Every so often Butch will get up and go to my son's open door and start barking at him and TODAY I was sitting in my son's room and I called Butch in and he was fearful of coming in and I had to get up and meet him and get him to come on. Later this evening Butch did his same loud barking when he heard my son pull up and come in, now; every now and then my son will play with Butch by play bowing and chasing him around but when he did it today Butch backed away, then bowed, put his tail between his legs and ran away. Butch then came back and when my son tried playing with him by bowing Butch ran away AGAIN and when my son squatted and went towards him, Butch dropped all the way down in fear/submission but he did NOT show his belly, I've NEVER seen him do THAT. I know this is a LOT of reading but HELP can someone, ANYONE give me some help/ADVICE? THANKS IN ADVANCE.

      • Sorry i missed it, but what breed do you have?

        Did he came in your household as a puppie?

        • American Bulldog and I've had him since 7 weeks.

          • Does he walk the dog, feed the dog?

            Are you give the dog any attention when he is barking?

            Is your sonn scared of him, does he pay attention when he is barking, or give any reaction?

            If he is very well done with people outside doesnt mean  he accept a new man in the house.


            Sorry for the many questions but i want to make a good portret of what is heppening.

            • Son doesn't walk HAS fed many and been 1 on 1 when I'm at work or away. When he was younger son APPEARED a little hesitant but not now the dog just doesn't appear to like him but he gets into the play but follows my son with his deep bark.  Dog is also great with everyone I took him around everywhere when I first got him as a pup.  Butch. my dog doesn't act that way with ANYONE except my son.

              • Hi,
                I sended the story to my brother who is a dogtrainer and this is his answer.
                The son is a quit one I geuss and has less attention for Butch. I think the son is very very welcome and does not perform a great welcome ritual when returns home. In Dogs eyes this makes him a very dominant male. Each time he leaves he leaves and may start his own Pack for as Butch knwos it. So when he returns he is a possible threat to take over dad's pack of which Butch is part of. Therefore Butch will trat the sun with caution.
                If I am right this may be a solution:
                When te son returns first he must ignore  Butch but pay respect to dad (in Butch's eyes). Son may hug dad or bring him food. It might help if the son does not enter himself but wait until he is invited in by dad. Then Son must not play or pet Butch he should do something together as equal, go hunting (walk the dog) and when you return present the catch (another cooky) to dad.
                Doing that will accoumplish two things: Butch knows the son is still part of the pack not from outside and its clear that dad is still the leader of that pack, there will be no quarrel over leadership.
                Butch will be more secure but might be more enthausiastic when the son comes home. So next step will be not walking Butch directly after return home but only when the exitement of the return is calmed down.
                So quite something to read back and I am very very curious if it works. Main thing it's not that butch is afraid of the sun hes insucure because sun had left the pack end returns which may cause a change inpickorder or struggle about it.
                • The dog sounds unsure and fearful of the situation.

                  If you want Butch to accept your son as part of the household I would recommend having him to all chores with the dog, like walking and feeding, etc. Step back from being the dogs friend/leader and allow your son to step up and bond with him.  

                  In the beginning tell your son not to try to pet him or baby talk the dog, be confident and calm with the process and the dog will warm up to it as time progresses. Also practising o.b. while walking will help strengthen the dogs understanding.


                  • Thank you Desiree and thank your brother thank you as well Mastini-Mayhem.  I'm sorry I'm just now responding I haven't been on in a while.  Desiree I did pass along the information to my son and Mastini what you're saying sounds similar to Desiree's brother but I'll just have to have my son do more with my dog.  My son has started the ignore and when I'm not around they get along fine together and this is what REALLY has me baffled.  Once again thank you BOTH, we're working on it and I'll keep you posted.

                    • Thank you for the update, my brother asked me several times how the dog was doing and i didnt know.

                      I send your answer through.

                      I hope you give us an update again about a few weeks.

                      Good luck !


                      And i know how difficult it is, when i got inar he attacked my kids (got him with 7 months) and isaid to my kids ignore him bla bla but that is easy said than done. They were afraid of him when he acted that way so they couldnt pretend like they werent impressed by him.

                      And i love my dog that doesnt mean that kids are enjoying the dog like i do. They dont like to walk him, train him. 

                      So now they (kids and dog) accept eachother but as same level. They cant and dont want to put their energy in him to become his leader.

                      The kids have some unwritten rules like dont fight when inar is around. In the beginning they couldnt even fight for funn now inar  learned that that is normal.


                      • LOL, that's good to hear. I haven't noticed a change YET but my son is ignoring. As far as feeding, THAT is an issue also, when my son attempts to feed Butch runs away even if I'm not around. My son said he put up the gate so Butch wouldn't run away but it is still REALLY strange. I really do appreciate all the assistance.

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