Few days ago 2 CC were involved in deadly mauling of a jogger, near by the farm they belong to as a pets.Obviously dogs going to be put down...
Another sad story.
Banned dog list... I understand it all. But really I think that owners or future owners should be taken under control and after psychological and background test - allowed or banned from having protecting, guard or either big dog.
7 years of preparation it took to me, before I got my CC (3,5 she is now). I was patience and careful. I did not use aggressive methods, however as a girl we have had build more friends relation, than dog and master.
Very powerful dogs can be rise with no issues, if owners use own brains.
They are big dogs, people are scarred of. They will always have an instinct and can be unpredictable, so it is an owner responsibility to avoid the risk of danger of aggression or attack.
CC are individuals, very clever dogs, with territorial and protective instinct. But they also well balanced if trained in a positive way.
I've nearly gave up. Changed 3 sofas, lost a part of wooden stairs and doors and moved apart from my partner (differences in a point of view about training), before we understood when my dog training failed. There are many details, which can really affect the dog behavior. No two breeds are the same. And there is no a thing, such the aggressive dog, but the human.
My dog looks scary enough, I don't need her to attack ppl.
She can protect, she can bark, she is not a best friend of a postman. But I don't provoke her to fihgt. I watch, what is going on around while walking, don't let her of in public, on a street, all doors are always locked, we walk across the road, when kids around (not because she is aggressive, but because I don't want opportunity).
Can't stand ppl advertising 2 -3 y.o. large breed dog, they giving up due to the "kid allergy" , or other reasons. Can't stand another dog put to sleep because of the owner..
I really suggest some ppl to think twice, or get guinea pig.
I completely agree wit this and especially that "some ppl think twice, or get guinea pig.". Actually a gold fish may be better for some.
Owning a big powerful dog breed always comes with great responsibility for the owner. It is the owner who is responsible for controlling the entire environment when they have a dog that is very capable of doing great harm.