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Attack in Metamora Township, damgerous breed ..etc

I understand fully your thoughts on the owners needing to train themselves and be prepared for the responsibility of owning large powerful dogs. Sometimes the best trained dogs will behave badly but training and socialization can mitigate the trigger.

Replies (11)
    • Few days ago 2 CC were involved in deadly mauling of a jogger, near by the farm they belong to as a pets.Obviously dogs going to be put down...

      Another sad story.

      Banned dog list... I understand it all. But really I think that owners or future owners should be taken under control and after psychological and background test - allowed or banned from having protecting, guard or either big dog.

      7 years of preparation it took to me, before I got my CC (3,5 she is now). I was patience and careful. I did not use aggressive methods, however as a girl we have had build  more friends relation, than dog and master. 

      Very powerful dogs can be rise with no issues, if owners use own brains.

      They are big dogs, people are scarred of. They will always have an instinct and can be unpredictable, so it is an owner responsibility to avoid the risk of danger of aggression or attack.

      CC are individuals, very clever dogs, with territorial and protective instinct. But they also well balanced if trained in a positive way.

      I've nearly gave up. Changed 3 sofas, lost a part of wooden stairs and doors and moved apart from my partner (differences in a point of view about training), before we understood when my dog training failed. There are many details, which can really affect the dog behavior. No two breeds are  the same. And there is no a thing, such the aggressive dog, but the human. 

      My dog looks scary enough, I don't need her to attack ppl.

      She can protect, she can bark, she is not a best friend of a postman. But I don't provoke her to fihgt. I watch, what is going on around while walking, don't let her of in public, on a street, all doors are always locked, we walk across the road, when kids around (not because she is aggressive, but because I don't want opportunity).

      Can't stand ppl advertising 2 -3 y.o. large breed dog, they giving up due to the "kid allergy" , or other  reasons. Can't stand another dog put to sleep because of the owner..

      I really suggest some ppl to think twice, or get guinea pig.

      • I completely agree wit this and especially that "some ppl think twice, or get guinea pig.". Actually a gold fish may be better for some.

        Owning a big powerful dog breed always comes with great responsibility for the owner.  It is the owner who is responsible for controlling the entire environment when they have a dog that is very capable of doing great harm. 

      • The large dog breed ownership is a life style. Everything changes. And ppl must be convinced to it before they get new family member.

      • I understand fully your thoughts on the owners needing to train themselves and be prepared for the responsibility of owning large powerful dogs. Sometimes the best trained dogs will behave badly but training and socialization can mitigate the trigger.

        • This happened basically in my back yard. :'(

          Did you hear they also pts a litter of puppies that were from these two dogs? Not to mention the ppl that owned them were illegals? 

        • Yes I've heard that. 10 dogs all together. I seriously think, that if they do that, they should put the owner to the jail for being cruel to animals, as they been put down, because of his stupidity. 

          It's the bad ownership should be banned. Future owner should be tested and ppl who plan to get guard dog, should be background checked, trained and got the licence.

          When the government understand, that some of these dogs, where used in a war, as a weapon, as a hunting dogs, etc and they are fantastic, unless in wrong hands?

          This time you can not buy the gun on a street market..

          This is serious problem. I am big dogs lover, especially CC. I am amazed by the fact, that they are so calm, they know their own power and choosing not to use it. I can't imagine the day when, they ban this breed because of irresponsible man.

          • What the hell - about 26% of all people in US jails are illegals who have committed capital crimes.

            The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), in an Apr. 7, 2005 report to Congress entitled "Information on Criminal Aliens Incarcerated in Federal and State Prisons and Local Jails," informed:

            [...] At the federal level, the number of criminal aliens incarcerated increased from about 42,000 at the end of calendar year 2001 to about 49,000 at the end of calendar year 2004--a 15 percent increase. The percentage of all federal prisoners who are criminal aliens has remained the same over the last 3 years--about 27 percent. The majority of criminal aliens incarcerated at the end of calendar year 2004 were identified as citizens of Mexico. We estimate the federal cost of incarcerating criminal aliens--Bureau of Prisons (BOP)'s cost to incarcerate criminals and reimbursements to state and local governments under SCAAP--totaled approximately $5.8 billion for calendar years 2001 through 2004.

            ***  suspect that the numbers are much larger now in 2014 - ten years later **** (Gary) - the Republic is in great danger... anyway on with the story... see below.

            METAMORA, Mich. (Detroit Free Press)-- The Metamora couple whose dogs killed a jogger last week are in the U.S. illegally and were facing imminent deportation at the time of the attack.

            Valbona Lucaj, 44, got into the country from Albania in January 1997 after bribing an immigration officer into granting her asylum, according to federal court filings. Her Italian husband, Sebastiano Quagliata, 45, arrived a month earlier as a tourist and never left.

            The two are potentially facing involuntary manslaughter charges after their Cane Corso dogs attacked and killed Craig Sytsma, 46, of Livonia on July 23 as he jogged past their home on a rural Metamora Township road. Lapeer County prosecutors are expected to announce a decision on criminal charges this week. It is unclear what, if any impact, their citizenship status will have on possible prosecution.

            The couple have been fighting deportation for years since immigration officials discovered that Lucaj had paid $3,000 to an immigration officer in New York to grant her asylum. That asylum was then granted to Quagliata because he was her spouse.

            But on March 31 of this year, U.S. District Judge Gerald Rosen refused to stop their deportation, siding with immigration officials who said that Lucaj "lacked good moral character arising out of fraud in obtaining asylum."

            The pair repeatedly lied to immigration officials as they sought asylum and then naturalization, according to the files.

            Lucaj applied for asylum in New York in May 1997, but the immigration officer who interviewed her found "a number of inconsistent statements" about her alleged persecution in Albania on religious grounds and declined to recommend asylum. But an administrator in the office, John Shandorf, overruled the officer.

            In 1998, FBI agents arrested Shandorf and another man, Luigi Berishaj, on bribery and conspiracy charges, alleging the two schemed to grant 20 Albanian refugees asylum in exchange for bribes ranging from $2,000 to $3,000. Berishaj identified Lucaj as one of those who paid a bribe.

            Immigration officials notified the pair in 2005 that they intended to terminate their asylum status and deport them. Lucaj traveled from Michigan to Chicago to appeal the decision.

            According to court filings, she claimed she had never met Berishaj and that a woman whose name she could not recall helped her apply for asylum. But officials, in reviewing her file, found that "documents were clearly altered" and that her story was not credible.

            During interviews with immigration officials, Lucaj and Quagliata insisted that they had been jailed while in Albania because of their religious beliefs. The two are Catholic. But Lucaj, out of the presence of her husband, told investigators he had been arrested on a train. Quagliata said his arrest took place on a boat.

            Regarding Quagliata's statement, immigration officials noted "that such life-changing events, such as being jailed in a foreign country, would have remained an event you would have remembered."

            Khaalid Walls, spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said Wednesday that officials were reviewing their files.

            Lucaj works for an insurance company, and Quagliata as a professional house painter, according to court documents. The pair lived in Sterling Heights, Warren and Macomb Township before buying the Metamora house in 2011 for $150,000. The four-bedroom home sits on 7 acres.

            It was from that property, investigators said, that the two Cane Corsos — large dogs similar to bullmastiffs — charged Sytsma as he jogged after work, mauling him to death as he struggled with them in a ditch by the side of the road.

            On Friday, Lapeer County prosecutors will ask a district court judge to order the destruction of two dogs, along with a third adult dog found at the home and seven puppies that are products of the dogs that attacked

            About 140 miles away, Sytsma's family will celebrate his life and mourn his death at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Jenison, Mich.

            L.L. Brasier is a reporter for the Detroit Free Press.

            • Exactly... And regards to the other topic, we are recently discussing - dangerous dog act in the UK..Guys I do understand all your fear.. I am worrying about my girl too. But this is our responsibility, to keep our dogs and other ppl safe. I truly believe, that clever owner won't be court. I also believe, that no one will get arrested for dog's barks, as it is natural. But this is a one step forward to avoid "not very clever people" having big dogs, 

              Up to now I've seen "naughty" dogs  being put down and all blame went to the breed. Finally they get of the breed and came to the point, where the owner is the one, who has a brain and should think. Don't let dog of the lead, where joggers could run, around the kids, repair garden fences, install  letter boxes, and many other things. 

              The fact that I believe, that my dog is the softest thing on the world, doesn't mean that everybody else has to. And doesn't change the fact, that it is an strong animal, with big jaw, and in case  of it's own fear, can really hurts or even kill - as above.

              There is nothing wrong in that act. It's only press on all owners and will make them look after their pets better. Personally I would also banned for life from having a dog, those who won't response to that act and already been court.

              Forgive my english.

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