Exactly... And regards to the other topic, we are recently discussing - dangerous dog act in the UK..Guys I do understand all your fear.. I am worrying about my girl too. But this is our responsibility, to keep our dogs and other ppl safe. I truly believe, that clever owner won't be court. I also believe, that no one will get arrested for dog's barks, as it is natural. But this is a one step forward to avoid "not very clever people" having big dogs,
Up to now I've seen "naughty" dogs being put down and all blame went to the breed. Finally they get of the breed and came to the point, where the owner is the one, who has a brain and should think. Don't let dog of the lead, where joggers could run, around the kids, repair garden fences, install letter boxes, and many other things.
The fact that I believe, that my dog is the softest thing on the world, doesn't mean that everybody else has to. And doesn't change the fact, that it is an strong animal, with big jaw, and in case of it's own fear, can really hurts or even kill - as above.
There is nothing wrong in that act. It's only press on all owners and will make them look after their pets better. Personally I would also banned for life from having a dog, those who won't response to that act and already been court.
Forgive my english.