Comment to Meet George !
Thank you for all the kind words everybody... George is definitely an exceptional animal....It seems here in Canada many of the Bloodlines are much like George, they are smaller and more athletic with a longer snout... The DDB is not a recognized breed here in Canada, so the Bloodlines have not been altered for show purposes.... IMO too many breed have been destroyed for the purposes of shows, breeding for a certain look above and beyond health and capability...On the DDB forums they look at my boy like he is a poor example of the breed and for the most part turn their noses up at him.... However truth be told many of todays show dogs would be incapable of doing the work they were originally intended to do..They are breeding for excessive size and extremely short muzzles... I guess when the DDB looks like a giant English Bulldog they will be happy........I would love to see some of those show DDB's try to keep up with George in any form of athletics or work ! I look at many of the older pictures and drawings of the ancient DDB's and they look almost nothing like the modern show dogs....George looks and functions how the DDB would have been before they were altered for show purposes.........My boy is now 2 yrs old and afterhe goes thru some proper medical testing I am going to offer him up for stud to other Canadian DDB of the same type...I may be new to the breed, but I can see clear as day how important it is to maintain what the DDB was supposed to be.....