Comment to 'Realistic Suburban Adaptability?'
  • What does the acronym LGD stand for? I wouldn't call myself a breeder. Although if we focus on the traditional protection breeds I think the best breeder would be an active trainer. I hear you on the go by feeling vs tests thing. But some things are irrefutable. There are some behaviors that a pup will show you that based on previous experience you know %100 they'll carry through to the adult dog. Aloofness is one of these behaviors. Regarding the temperament test, for a working lines dog like a GSD or a Rott, passing is something I'd expect as a minimum. If a dog didn't pass a TT I wouldn't even keep it. Much more is required of them performance wise in standardized testing. Of course like you said this is the CO section so everything I'm saying may not be applicable to your breed. But the subject did move to puppy temperament testing in general. I'm just trying to understand how these dogs are different to what I'm used to. I have a suspicion that in their working capacity they're not meant to be socialized at all and as such the TT your dog passed may not even be suitable for them.