Comment to 'The Pros and Cons of Mixed Breeds'
  • This brings back to my mind the time when someone contacted me trying to purchase one of my Presas to breed. Often you don’t know exactly what they intend on doing. Mostly because they don’t reveal it to you. Somehow I got them to admit what was the purpose in buying the pup. I refused to sell them a pup. They had a Cane Corso. They wanted to a breed to a presa canario. When I asked why they couldn’t give me a good reason why they wanted to do so. You have to med to large breed dogs of similar structures and similar temperament. What benefits are they hoping to gain by breeding them together. They just thought it was a good idea. I don’t know if they got a presa somewhere else. But they didn’t get it from me. I did recommend that they get another Cane Corso to breed with the one that they already have.

    • You did the right thing for sure. You protected your line from an unknown future. They may have had good intentions and being ignorant of the breeds did not help. Have you ever found out what they did? Hopefully they turned out to be responsible owners. The Cane Corso does not need bad press.