Comment to '1st time aggression'
  • Thanks everyone I should have added that I was not supposed to be there and just stopped cause I saw my son's car..I did have Rock sit and stay ..he did it for me and for my son , but as session went on and the head trainer tried to let them meet again both went off..I got Rock away and he sat...but I could read him and he was not a happy camper..he was even "upset" when we left and I took him home. I think I was just suprised at the amount of "gruffness" he showed , he has Played with 80 lb older dogs before, and he even got nipped by a EBD w/o all this. And yes the Em was a freaking handful 1 year old and very 1st classes he ever had plus on a plain collar and was a PIA to walk for my son let alone the owner who he pulled around like a toy. looking back on it and thinking for these posts Rocky on leash with my son was his normal self till EM started the lunges ...and when trainer took rocky and my son went to EM ...IT did lite a fire with Rocky..he did not respond to trainer Thats why I took him made him sit than took him outside to pee and cool off.when we came in he was "on" but he did as he was told and sat next to me..Poop hit fan when they tried meet and greet with my son on EM and trainer with Rock..I or my son should have had Rocky and head trainer should have had EM