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1st time aggression

From what you are saying the other dog was acting up just from seeing your CC correct? He was barking and pulling so hard that not even the owner could control, other had to help? If thats the case your dog was reacting to the EM, imo.
Replies (6)
    • As many of you know I have a CC pup Rocky who is now 6 months old and about 75 lbs. He has been dog and people socialized , been to puppy agility and to many settings where dogs and people are present. My son assists at a dog training facility so Rocky goes quite often and is a "star pupil" My son was asked to come to class to assist with a 1 year old EM who weighs 133lbs..no dog socializing and just because of his nature hes good with most people.. Rocky also went and my son said from the minute he entered building Rocky wanted to meet the EM.. ( 1st time a dog was double his size..he's met dogs up to lbs ) when they met EM was pulling his owner so hard they had to assist her...rocky was doing "puppy bow" wagging and all happy..as soon as my son went to help with EM..Bam he got all full of himself..lunging at EM ..hair on end..and not listening worth a crap..(I came in at that moment and grabbed his lead and took outside) even with me he was intent on this EM and his Body language told me that he did not care how big he was.. all googly eyed up puffing out his jowls , full wrinkled brow etc..I had trainer grab EM lead and even with my son holding him Rocky wanted this dog. At 1st I thought Rocky was just pi$$ed my son was holding EM..but he holds a lot of dogs during classes and Rock does not act out like this. Now I am thinking it may have been the dogs size and Rocky was trying to dominate..to be 100% honest this behavior caught me so off guard I did not respond as I would have at home. He was only on a harness and was pulling for all he was worth.. Just looking for ideas..I know its hard not observing yourself but any thoughts will be welcomed. BTW the EM was barking at him and lunging also..
      • From what you are saying the other dog was acting up just from seeing your CC correct? He was barking and pulling so hard that not even the owner could control, other had to help? If thats the case your dog was reacting to the EM, imo.
        • I agree. This story reminded me of our CO Dasha as a pup. We spent a deal of time socializing her to crowds (we often took her to several local street art/music festivals). She was nonreactive to dogs and people milling about, but when a dog larger than herself locked eyes with her, it was like ringing the match bell, lol. She grew out of it (we also kept up the socialization) and is now very confident, but won't take any guff, so to speak. :lol:
          • I agree with babigirl & Igmuska. I'm confident that the EM was challenging your CC. I further offer when your son went to help he escalated the situtation in the CCs eyes. Dogs do so much sutile communication with glances & posture that even very experienced handles may miss it if they are not watch carefully. Chances are that the "Insults" started the minute these two saw each other. The good thing is now you know your CC will not accept being insulted by other male dogs. He is young enough and fortunate to have experience owners. I would concentrate on this issue now before it escalates.
            • Hey Nick, I see this all the time with dogs reacting to my rotts. Whereas they're fine with other dogs the rott is a big black confident dog not usually displaying the play posturing you see other dogs do with strange dogs. The other dogs get intimidated by this and become aggressive. Then the rott can retaliate and of course it all gets blamed on my dog for having started it because it's a rott. I think your pup was simply intimidated by the big dog and reacted aggressively. Like Platz said your kid going over escalated the situation. Pretty strong reaction from a 6 month old pup. Should have been put under control immediately, this decision shouldn't be up to him in this situation. Sit or down stay, if he knows it, next time. I know what you mean about getting caught off guard. It's no biggie just set up the same situation again.
              • Thanks everyone I should have added that I was not supposed to be there and just stopped cause I saw my son's car..I did have Rock sit and stay ..he did it for me and for my son , but as session went on and the head trainer tried to let them meet again both went off..I got Rock away and he sat...but I could read him and he was not a happy camper..he was even "upset" when we left and I took him home. I think I was just suprised at the amount of "gruffness" he showed , he has Played with 80 lb older dogs before, and he even got nipped by a EBD w/o all this. And yes the Em was a freaking handful 1 year old and very 1st classes he ever had plus on a plain collar and was a PIA to walk for my son let alone the owner who he pulled around like a toy. looking back on it and thinking for these posts Rocky on leash with my son was his normal self till EM started the lunges ...and when trainer took rocky and my son went to EM ...IT did lite a fire with Rocky..he did not respond to trainer Thats why I took him made him sit than took him outside to pee and cool off.when we came in he was "on" but he did as he was told and sat next to me..Poop hit fan when they tried meet and greet with my son on EM and trainer with Rock..I or my son should have had Rocky and head trainer should have had EM
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