Comment to 'Hunting with Presa Canario's'
  • Since you mention deer and boar, I assume that's what you're interested in hunting? I do know a handful of presas that made it into catchdogs. The idea was SLOWLY gaining popularity a couple years ago, with the help of Art Parker who was willing to test and train the dogs for us, but then when the locals shut him down, people lost interest fast. I do know of one guy currently training his presa in Fla on Boar for sure- takes her out with other dogs and I guess she's learning from that. AS I am given to understand, like Alapaha says, when the bay dogs go off, the dog will either know what to do, or not- at least in it's reaction. Either it runs towards, or away LOL. AS for the deer, in my area deer hunting with dogs seems to be letting the dogs loose with tracking collars to flush the deer out to the side of the road, where the hunters are sitting in their pickups drinking beer :wink: If the dogs do a good job, they get picked up and taken home. If they don't.... But, if that's the kind of deer hunting you're talking about, I really don't think the presa is the dog for it.