Comment to 'Public Record, Whipple Openly Lesbian'
  • [quote=neogirl123]- The Sidhe (shee) are considered to be a distinct race, quite separate from human beings yet who have had much contact with mortals over the centuries, and there are many documented testimonies to this. Belief in this race of beings who have powers beyond those of men to move quickly through the air and change their shape at will once played a huge part in the lives of people living in rural Ireland and Scotland. Belief in the sidhe is part of a pre-Christian religion which survived for thousands of years and which has never been completely wiped out from the minds of the people. I personally know 2 ppl that still claim Sidhe as their religious conviction. Its pretty interesting. Oh BTW, thanks for link Lynn :wink: I personally didnt take the opening thread/post as offensive or disrespectful . Maybe a bit blunt but hey . I think Ms Kit has done an excellent job keeping it all diplomatic in an intellegent manner. Shes been pretty respectful to the negative replies. I know of others that would have be banned by now . and NOW im probably gonna get a flogging for typing that :P WHIPZ N KISSEZ[/quote] Thanks, neogirl. I appreciate your comments. Now, you know of course your last sentence and sign off are just going to get o_dosa_neo all hot and bothered again. :lol: