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Public Record, Whipple Openly Lesbian

I know I have a lot of time on my hands, but it appears you've got me beat.
Replies (58)
    • So its finished with really so the thread should fizzle out or be deleted as it had no point from being to end :lol:
      • [quote=lynnicks]So its finished with really so the thread should fizzle out or be deleted as it had no point from being to end :lol:[/quote] It did and does indeed have a point. If tosa had replied on the other thread, this one would never have been started. The courtesy of a simple, "Yes, I see now what your intent was" reply would have sufficed.
        • :lol: :lol: Exactly my point YOU WONT GET THAT So no point
          • From time to time we all put principle over pragmatism which is why I made it a point to demonstrate that tosa was dead wrong. If tosa won't admit it, that just shows tosa's lack of character. If that's what s/he wishes to demonstrate about him/herself, more power to him/her. Another cowardly act is SM's sneaking off in silence after starting all this in the first place. Maybe SM is just a troll and nobody has figured it out yet. The other point which hasn't even been raised is that the "Newbie" forum is supposed to be a flame-free zone for newbies. Somebody needs to tell SM and tosa that. 8O *SHRUG*
            • :lol: :lol: :lol: So why light the Fire Flame free is,no one will ridicule someone for asking questions about dogs. Unfortunately this had nothing to do with what you typed at the opening of the thread. Dont throw stones in glasses houses and expect the glass not to break. The Newbies thread is not a safe place to disagree with others. Most people on here have heated discussions but it is finished as soon as it is started and move on. Discussions would not be that if we all agreed.
              • Where did this all begin ?? Where is the original thread ??? All i can get outta all these posts is that Kit couldnt think of the lady's name (whipple) and refered to her as "the lesbian" ?? is that correct and t hen someone else was offended because of THAT ??
                • http://molosserdogs.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=5781 There you go Michelle The whole thing just got blown out of proportion My view :lol:
                  • We all come from different places and warps of life. Certain statements which when written maybe not quite in the right text, will and have been misunderstood, even by people who supposedly speak the same language. Mostly it is important to correct yourself if you are found to offend and then move on with the subject. I dont think for one minute Kit meant to offend anyone with her first comment, it was how she reacted to the complaints that made matters worse. We have all been there. Sometimes even with the best intentions it can get out of hand. On these sites its best to take personal comments with a pinch of salt after all most never meet so why take it to heart. Bet your wrong on the job guess John :lol: And once again you deleted lol I must look sometimes like im away with the fairies, thanks John.
                    • What made matters worse was the original offendees'(plural) failure to acknowledge what you have just said (my bold) was obvious after being accused of it. BTW, where you're from I think the word is "faeries" or siog, is it not? :wink: What's this about a "job guess", if you don't mind my asking?
                      • I think there is an apology due... Tosamama is both a good person and a good MD member. Anyone who has been here more than five minutes knows this. However, someone felt it appropriate to create a thread using her name for the sole purpose of trying to pi$$ her off. For the record, Kit, who maybe the least valuable person on the Net (big call I know) wasn't pulled up for "trying" to be offensive. She was pulled up for achieving it naturally. This whole ridiculous thread, is about her being unable to accept the fact that people may not appreciate her thoughts. She started off as being a harmless, offensive jube... but moved right into time consuming and painful
                        • From what I'm being told and reading here, you're in a minority of two in your opinion of the lesbian thing. Further, you've mischaracterized why I started this thread. It's not because I resent not having my thoughts appreciated or hoped to piss tosa off. It's because I resent false accusations and decided to prove them false since s/he failed to reply/acknowledge on the other thread after I explained to him/her why his/her interpretation was inaccurate. In other words, I don't tolerate unprovoked rudeness, whether I'm a new member or not new. And it doesn't have to be time consuming if the offending people, such as yourself, would either grow a spine or not jump back in, which you have now done. BTW, a "jube" is an architectural component. What does it have to do with this? I deliciously await your reply. :roll:
                          • Kit here we go again Now the fairies v faeries I relate too. Different spelling same meaning. OK now the siog I do hope you mean the Irish Collectable Dolls because the other meaning I would take offence too. Here I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt and will practice what I preach and turn the other cheek. If you knew me as many do that comment IS offensive. But you dont know me so............ John had you as a Librarian and me, I thought Teacher. Either way both require a lot of reading maybe you could read some threads before judging some amazing people on this site. Some of us happen to be nice.... But what the hell you seem to be on a roll so I will leave you to it Happy head hunting :lol:
                            • So, are we done now? :lol: I'm hoping this will be the final post to this thread. Kit and I will never see eye to eye, so I'm leaving this, unless there are more comments I have to defend myself from. :wink:
                              • Isn't siog the Gaelic/Irish word for fairy? I thought fairies were mythical Woodland creatures/sprites of loveliness with some magical talents for good and for inoffensive mischief. You know, Puck and his ilk. Or does it have another connotation I'm unaware of? Here's what I see in the online Irish Dictionary: >>fairyrational people. I've only stumbled over two who weren't.
                                • :lol: :lol: :lol: Siog sorry you forgot the a in your previous post plus the oblique. That is how easy people can be misunderstood. SIOG Dedicated the advancement of oncology in elderly patients. And I cant wait until John comes on he did guess well :lol:
                                  • Now I'm confuzzed. What's this (from another Irish dictionary): Dictionary entries for "fairy" * fairy = síog o validated o noun o o 2nd declension * Fairy ring = Lios o not yet validated o noun
                                    • Oh, and what's offensive about being dedicated to the advancement of oncology in elderly patients? That would mean it's somebody who wants more study and treatment of cancer in the elderly, so I don't see the offense in that.
                                      • :lol: :lol: :lol: As I said you spelt it wrong And Im not going to get into the double meaning which I thought because I have the decency to see I misunderstood your meaning and explained that in my last post. You are a very defensive person, I will see if it will come to good use in the next few months. Enjoy the site
                                        • Kit you're quite the MasterDebater....ill throw in a lil winky poo by the by....college prof was my second guess...cuz of the lecturing although id really like it to be hooters girl or porn star...then you'd really have an audience...your popularity would sore and you could get away with anything...even soldier monkey would see ya in a new light... SM...you created a monster
                                          • [quote=lynnicks]You are a very defensive person[/quote] It's not a matter of defensiveness. I just object to inaccurate, uninformed interpretations of my words that are turned into meaning something they weren't at all. Unlike yourself, others chose to do this without acknowledging the explanation, so I appreciate that you did. It isn't difficult, and I've done it many times myself. Apparently some find it impossible, though, and THAT in itself is indeed a form of defensiveness. Why does the dictionary spell it 'siog' instead of 'sioga'? My hubby is Irish (of the blue-eyed, black-haired variety) so I have a minor interest in the language of his ancestors. I've heard it spoken and it's a pretty language.
                                            • [quote=o_dosa_neo]....although id really like it to be hooters girl or porn star...then you'd really have an audience...[/quote]You DEFINITELY have a one-track mind!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
                                              • 100% red blooded american male
                                                • [quote=o_dosa_neo]even soldier monkey would see ya in a new light...[/quote] :lol: Generally, when people do this much "MasterDebating" online, they have to type with their left hand only.... :lol:
                                                  • :lol: :lol: One armed Bandit then Explanation I only know due to teaching my own children about folklore Siog - Celtic Mythology - single fairy Sioga - lots of Irish folklore about fairies Sidheog - modern Irish
                                                    • - The Sidhe (shee) are considered to be a distinct race, quite separate from human beings yet who have had much contact with mortals over the centuries, and there are many documented testimonies to this. Belief in this race of beings who have powers beyond those of men to move quickly through the air and change their shape at will once played a huge part in the lives of people living in rural Ireland and Scotland. Belief in the sidhe is part of a pre-Christian religion which survived for thousands of years and which has never been completely wiped out from the minds of the people. I personally know 2 ppl that still claim Sidhe as their religious conviction. Its pretty interesting. Oh BTW, thanks for link Lynn :wink: I personally didnt take the opening thread/post as offensive or disrespectful . Maybe a bit blunt but hey . I think Ms Kit has done an excellent job keeping it all diplomatic in an intellegent manner. Shes been pretty respectful to the negative replies. I know of others that would have be banned by now . and NOW im probably gonna get a flogging for typing that :P WHIPZ N KISSEZ
                                                      • [quote=neogirl123]- The Sidhe (shee) are considered to be a distinct race, quite separate from human beings yet who have had much contact with mortals over the centuries, and there are many documented testimonies to this. Belief in this race of beings who have powers beyond those of men to move quickly through the air and change their shape at will once played a huge part in the lives of people living in rural Ireland and Scotland. Belief in the sidhe is part of a pre-Christian religion which survived for thousands of years and which has never been completely wiped out from the minds of the people. I personally know 2 ppl that still claim Sidhe as their religious conviction. Its pretty interesting.[/quote] It is indeed interesting. If you know, were/are the sidhe believed to do good acts only, or both bad and good? As a pre-Christian religion, were there any rituals dedicated to sidhe? Were sidhe ever sought out for favors or to do certain things that would benefit a village or an individual? I'm just curious about how the people manifested their belief in the sidhe.
                                                        • [quote=lynnicks]:lol: :lol: One armed Bandit then Explanation I only know due to teaching my own children about folklore Siog - Celtic Mythology - single fairy Sioga - lots of Irish folklore about fairies Sidheog - modern Irish[/quote] Okay, got it. Siog/sioga is sort of (not exactly) along the lines of 'memorandum' and 'memoranda', or 'addendum' and 'addenda'.
                                                          • [quote=neogirl123]- The Sidhe (shee) are considered to be a distinct race, quite separate from human beings yet who have had much contact with mortals over the centuries, and there are many documented testimonies to this. Belief in this race of beings who have powers beyond those of men to move quickly through the air and change their shape at will once played a huge part in the lives of people living in rural Ireland and Scotland. Belief in the sidhe is part of a pre-Christian religion which survived for thousands of years and which has never been completely wiped out from the minds of the people. I personally know 2 ppl that still claim Sidhe as their religious conviction. Its pretty interesting. Oh BTW, thanks for link Lynn :wink: I personally didnt take the opening thread/post as offensive or disrespectful . Maybe a bit blunt but hey . I think Ms Kit has done an excellent job keeping it all diplomatic in an intellegent manner. Shes been pretty respectful to the negative replies. I know of others that would have be banned by now . and NOW im probably gonna get a flogging for typing that :P WHIPZ N KISSEZ[/quote] Thanks, neogirl. I appreciate your comments. Now, you know of course your last sentence and sign off are just going to get o_dosa_neo all hot and bothered again. :lol:
                                                            • [blockquote] Now, you know of course your last sentence and sign off are just going to get o_dosa_neo all hot and bothered again. [/blockquote] EEW... Seems like he is pretty good at keeping HIMSELF amused. Down through the ages the Sidhe have been in contact with mortals giving protection, healing and even teaching some of their skills to mortals - Smithcraft or the working of metals being one such skill. Also spawn offspring with mortals. Acts of good or bad . Is said that the Sidhe are generally benign until angered by some foolish action of a mortal. Many trees and mounds are considered under their protection and if a mortal destroys or damages these then a curse is put upon himself and his family. In some parts of the countryside people would not build their houses over certain "fairy paths" because of the type of disturbances which would ensue. They are said to reside in underground mounds. This is very generic information that i have typed. The lore is so very complicated and detailed, it would take pages to explain in detail. I love it though, me and my friend share bedtime stories, mine about my witch ancestors and her about her Sidhe ancestors lol its cool. (yes, i said "HER" :wink: ) This has got to be the strangest NEWBIE thread in the history of MD .....
                                                              • :lol: :lol: :lol: Went from Lesbians to Fairies
                                                                • neogirl123 wrote: [blockquote]me and my friend share bedtime stories, mine about my witch ancestors and her about her Sidhe ancestors lol its cool. (yes, i said "HER" )[/blockquote] Good one Neogirl, thanks, I’ve been enjoying this thread immensely, when O_dosa reads that last little ditte from you he’s next post is liable to get this one locked!
                                                                  • :lol: Dont think so John has an open mind and Michelle is talking about 'a friend'. Michelle and I finish each others sentences when speaking on MSN doesnt mean we have a relationship other than same sex friendship. I dont think John is so narrow minded he doesnt allow same sex friendships. We just dont manage coffee mornings (bloody great sea decides for that). So cant see any reason for blocking myself or am I missing something :lol:
                                                                    • w...t...ffffff... is goin on?? :lol:
                                                                      • Got me.... was confusing enuff b4
                                                                        • :lol: :lol: :lol: Four pages and no one is the wiser :lol:
                                                                          • lynnicks..... you a girl????
                                                                            • Last time I looked :lol:
                                                                              • haha, makes sense now I think about it.... name Lyn then? I wonder why I am so surprised....
                                                                                • The whole thread started because Kit tried to explain someone due to their sexual prefence because she forgot her name. Got offended by being told she was disrespectful. She got on her high horse because she didnt think anyone should be offended. Found two threads about Ms W (but couldnt be bothered to find the woman's name prior to posting), Decided to (how dare she :lol: ) try to explain it was after all just using the woman as a reference. Stubborn as hell and thinking a newbie thread anything goes and what the hell, I can say anything here. She is captured, dunking is planned 6 a.m GMT And yes SM Im female Lyn and husband (preference) of 24 years Nick and quite rightly think people should not have hang ups about others sexual preference and she should of had the decency to do the homework before posting after all. And no Im not the friend that Michelle talks to before bed. But yes we have great discussions about certain beliefs. WTH I have a daughter called Pagan and a son named Keiller. I am totally unbiased to others preferences religious or otherwise. But all this because she forgot to look for the woman's name :lol:
                                                                                  • I like the name Pagan
                                                                                      • [blockquote]Good one Neogirl, thanks, I’ve been enjoying this thread immensely, when O_dosa reads that last little ditte from you he’s next post is liable to get this one locked![/blockquote] Thanks Denno ! i know. i kinda been diggin this thread too . Sorta like taking a whiff of the milk even though you know its been expired for a week. Been that kind of experience. Its okay Lynn, no need to justify what MY intentions are with my girlfriend . YES i like girls too. no big deal or big secret. Even my dearly departed male hubby allowed me to have my cake and eat it too. lol ( wow, how appropriate was that pun ! :P ) and yes our bedtime stories are shared under the sheets ... BETTER STOP HERE. Lynn is just a good friend to me, period .
                                                                                        • [quote=neogirl123]This has got to be the strangest NEWBIE thread in the history of MD .....[/quote]I agree! Thats why it is still here and not relegated to the proverbial bitbucket.
                                                                                          • [quote=soldiermonkey]Tosamama is both a good person and a good MD member. Anyone who has been here more than five minutes knows this. [/quote]Yes - and for that reason the title of the thread will be changed.
                                                                                            • What does someone's sexual prefrence have to do with MD?
                                                                                              • Kit seems very quiet..... I guess she only likes talking when people agree with her. Surprised she gets to say anything.
                                                                                                • [quote=Bacci]What does someone's sexual prefrence have to do with MD?[/quote] The whole thread was based on someone's sexual preference and others ignorance of remembering her name. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: What does it have to do with MD in general 'Sweet FA' what does it have to do with poor Ms. W everything! Why because if you are going to quote someone or something which is supposedly broad knowledge (or otherwise) we should at least have the decency to do our homework and get our facts right. So if there are any questions you are able to answer. Seems the most decent thing to do.
                                                                                                  • I want to thank everyone for their good words, and for helping to bring this thread to a lull. And Maximus, I appreciate what you did with the title. :) The opening remark that set things off, struck me as the words of a "hater". I didn't respond directly to that right away, as I was waiting to see what came of the thread. If this current thread serves any purpose, then entertainment must be it :lol:
                                                                                                    • This has truly been one of the oddest threads I've read at MD...lol.
                                                                                                      • Injustice Undone May 5, 2005 The 1st District Court of Appeal reinstated the murder conviction of Marjorie Knoller whose 100-pound-plus "Presa Canario" dogs mauled and killed neighbor, Diane Whipple, in the hallway of her San Francisco apartment building in January 2001. Whipple sustained a total of 77 bite wounds, the most serious ones being severe bites to her neck. Some of the punctures in the 33-year-old woman's neck were so deep that they nearly severed her vertebrae. Jurors found Marjorie Knoller's husband, Robert Noel, guilty of involuntary manslaughter, and found Knoller -- who stood by as her dogs attacked Whipple -- guilty of second-degree murder. The killer canines were eventually linked to inmates at California's Pelican Bay State Prison who were running an illegal dog breeding ring from behind bars. Noel and Knoller served as lawyers for one of the inmates, a 38-year-old member of the Aryan Brotherhood named Paul "Cornfed" Schneider. It was revealed that the couple had formally adopted the white supremacist. Marjorie Knoller's conviction was the first murder in a dog-mauling case in California and was believed to be only the third of its kind in recent U.S. history. Knoller's attorney -- the snarling, crawling, crying, barking, Nedra Ruiz -- vehemently contested the verdict. Ruiz, (who at one time studied at the American Conservatory Theater) argued that prosecutors Jim Hammer and Kimberly Guilfoyle Newsom (now both television stars) failed to prove the malice implied in a murder charge. Ruiz maintained there was no evidence the couple trained their huge dogs to attack people and that Whipple's death was an accident. Knoller and Noel In a surprise ruling, San Francisco Superior Court Judge James L. Warren agreed the evidence did not support a murder conviction, saying he did not think Knoller could have known when she took out the dogs, "Bane" and "Hera" on the day of the attack, that they would kill someone. "I cannot say as a matter of law that she subjectively knew on January 26 that her conduct would cause death," the judge said. Warren vacated the jury's finding against Marjorie Knoller and reduced her conviction to manslaughter. Sharon Smith was Diane Whipple's partner and shared the Pacific Heights apartment where Whipple was killed. Smith told reporters: "Obviously, I'm in shock. We're all in shock. Justice was done, now I feel as if it's been undone." Based on the hideous behavior and malevolent madness of the defendants, few disagreed with Ms. Smith, and at long last, the injustice has been undone. On May 5, 2005, the appelate court reversed the ruling by Judge Warren. Marjorie Knoller was freed after serving two years of a four-year sentence, but the second degree murder count she now faces is punishable by 15 years to life in a small cage. No matter what happens now, it cannot spare Diane Whipple from the nightmare she faced. The reversal does, however, restore some measure of public confidence in the system, and may make it a little easier for the victim's loved ones to move on with their lives.
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