Comment to Hocks and rear angulation on our dogs?
I didn' t know where to put this hopefully this was the right section. So I noticed that a lot of mastiff type dogs have high rears, and I also noticed a lot of them have very little rear angulation. The standard for the APBT calls for rear angulation and good hock length and symmetry. Being that the APBT is one of the most athletic and poweful breeds in the world pound for pound. I wanted to know how these high backs and odd angled hocks affect the dog's movement and performance. Why not create dogs with this angulation? My Pit dog is ambully x apbt crossed so he lacks that pefect standard symetry. Honestly my dog reminds me of a mastiff at times because of the head, loose skin and long body. Now please do not get me wrong I am not saying mastiff type dogs are built wrong I just want to know what are the advantages of both sides of the spectrum. This is my dog by the way