Comment to Hocks and rear angulation on our dogs?
[quote1280407746=PUGNACES-BRITANNIAE-AK] [quote1280355066=YL] [quote1280353606=davidfitness83] Why not create dogs with this angulation? My Pit dog is ambully x apbt crossed so he lacks that pefect standard symetry. Honestly my dog reminds me of a mastiff at times because of the head, loose skin and long body. Now please do not get me wrong I am not saying mastiff type dogs are built wrong I just want to know what are the advantages of both sides of the spectrum. [/quote1280353606] Different structures aid in different functions, different gait, stamina, working in different terrain... Why in the world you think that the one you like is perfect for everybody? What may be right for a terrier is not right for a molosser. Each breed has it's own standard. Do you propose making every breed the same angulation because it looks good on a pit? [/quote1280355066] of course the structure of a dog also depends on the function, but i like your question. i have also noticed that a lot of molosser breeds, have a "strange" angulation, as they sometimes have no angulation at all. i have seen large so called performance tosas that were a structural mess. if you are interested in further reading here are some links for you mate.,336,15,-the-ideal-build.html,336,30,-the-ideal-build.html regards andreas [/quote1280407746] Andreas, thank you very much for the links I got some reading to do =) this is why I love this site =)