Comment to 'temperament, disposition drive'
  • Kerry, chaining or penning such a young dog may promote boredom and aggression, chained dogs are always more agressive than dogs that run free. Short periods of time are OK, but you need to make sure she has an outlet for her energy and a learning time each day. You need to spend more time with Alka, if she is left alone with the stock (even while chained) she will develop unwanted habbits (like stalking the piglets) and if there is nobody to correct her, these habbits will harden. When she is chained and bored, she will try to create games and entertainment for herself, stocking or chasing the animals (within her chain length) is all she can do to amuse herself and to somehow spend her youthfull energy. Can you take her with you to the house when you are not taking care of animals? Can she watch you cook dinner, or clean, or go with you on errands? You can leave her outside in a pasture at night when all animals are secured in a barn, so she doesn't forget what her guarding duties are, but while she is awake during the day, I would give her as much intellectual stimulation as possible. I know most people think LGD is a magic word - you get a pup, you drop it in a pasture and all is secure from this point, but it only works this way if another LGD raises and teaches the puppy. When Alka is all grown up and you will be getting a puppy to support her - this is what she will do for you, but with the first dog you need to spend the time making her into what you need. Just like raising a child - normal every day interractions, teaching her right from wrong, praising and correcting untill she is ready.