Comment to 'temperament, disposition drive'
  • Hi All, I am new here and relatively new to LGD's. We need some guidance and are hoping to learn more from others experiences. Let me tell you a bit about us.... We have a small 25 acre hobby farm with small flock of sheep, a herd of goats and a couple of horses and a flock of chickens. We acquired a sarplaninac mountain dog last year as a 6 week old pup. She has been living with the stock for a year. She is socialized to the stock, our family and our herding dogs. We are noticing some traits that are of concern as to her future as a LGD. Last fall she began to chase the chickens and killed a few. She then turned her attention to the goat kids (about 50 pounders) she would grab a leg and drag them around. By winter she would engage adult sheep too, but left the big goats alone. She would even engage the horses if they were already running, playing and bucking etc.. otherwise she left them alone until now. I penned her back in March when lambing and kidding began and now has graduated recently to be chained back out in the field as the kids and lambs are getting closer to weaning. We began releasing her at night while the youngsters were put up for the night, but we continued to chain her during the day. I was going to start letting her off the chain during the day with a drag when I could supervise her this week. But now I am not sure if I should. My question is that is this predatory behavior normal adolescent behavior or is it that it is just her temperament and/or her prey drive is too high and she will not likely out grow this stage? Maybe she is not going to make a LGD at all? What prompted me to find this forum was that she recently got in the paddock where the horses were while dragging a chain and she unrelentlessly chased the horses to the point of sheer panic while I was not home one afternoon. She had not done that before. She had to go through a lot to get into that paddock to begin with, so it seems to me she was thoughtful in making that decision to chase. I was not home at the time so I am unsure what precipitated the attack. Seeing the horses condition, it appears that she meant business as they were lathered, quivering and then lame the next day. Anyone have any thoughts and advice for us? Thanks for reading.