Comment to 'Is this true???????'
  • [quote=brazillianbandogge] In the video the weight of the dog and the power to jump will be influence the test...the stoping power will be diferent.[/quote] no it has NO influence... coz the power of the bite starts going UP AFTER the dog has had his impact.. if he said 210lbs for the pitball at the moment of impact and the the power DECLINED, THEN you would have a case.. but as he is saying the power started LOW then went up the longer the dog was there AFTER impact... its NOT gamness that makes the dog bite hard... thats very very silly comment to make. EDIT - and as far as "stopping power" the rott in a real life situation.. ALWAYS has more stopping power than any pit.. plus pitbulls suck as being guardians as they require more training to actually engage on a intruder.