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Is this true???????

Replies (21)
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        • Thats not true than?
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            • Aha ok thanks.And what do you think how much Alabai can bite?Does he have strong bite?
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                • yes but you have to take the size of teh ehad in to consideration, the b igger the head... the bigger the potential. if you tested 100 rotts, 100 pits, you would find that the rotts on "average" will have the better bite force due to size of head and amount of jaw muscle they have to use at their disposal. i cant view that youtube video here but i assume its the rott vs pitt vs GSD on the bite sleeve? if so, the rott bites at around 100lbs greater than the pitbull thats a huge variation and the best of rotts wont drop that 100lbs to loose in this contest.
                  • Yeah thats the video Rott,Pit bull and German shepherd. Thanks Drazhar for answer :wink:
                    • [quote=_Miha_]Yeah thats the video Rott,Pit bull and German shepherd. Thanks Drazhar for answer :wink:[/quote] your welcome.
                      • The size of the head has nothing to do with the hardness of the bite,coralation of bite has to due with symmetrical skull and jaw confiquration.length of muzzle creates harder bite due to sissor bite and leverage in bite design.I.E. an overly long snout with a small head or an overly large head with a short muzzle does not insure a greater bite. just as people beleive that pit bulls have a locking jaw not the case,its hardness of bite thats all.................thats why there is bloodlines with in.. Realdogs
                        • In my own personal experience Bull Terriers are some of the most powerful biters in the dog world .....This is due to the shape of their head, width & lenght Here's a old redneck term Alligator Head :wink: :wink:
                          • JOBOA,Execellent post and example!!!!!!! :wink: :wink: Realdogs
                            • [quote=RealdoggeSyndicate]The size of the head has nothing to do with the hardness of the bite,coralation of bite has to due with symmetrical skull and jaw confiquration.length of muzzle creates harder bite due to sissor bite and leverage in bite design.I.E. an overly long snout with a small head or an overly large head with a short muzzle does not insure a greater bite. just as people beleive that pit bulls have a locking jaw not the case,its hardness of bite thats all.................thats why there is bloodlines with in.. Realdogs[/quote] so you say the size of head has nothing to do with it, then you say a dog with long muzzle and "SMALL HEAD" will not bite that hard.. and presas dont have a long snout, but renowned for massive heads... their bites are VERY hard... Tosa has a decent length snout and a big head but yet has big bite. kangal has a LONG muzzle and a big head and again... a big bite.. american bulldogs have a short muzzle but huge head and again a BIG bite! wolves have long! muzzle but big heads and again... big BITE. its a dead obvious fact that bigger the head is, the more jaw muscle it has and the bigger the bite...
                              • I do not know nor want to comment on what breed is harder biter or softer for that matter. Only thing I do know is that I wouldn't like to be bitten by anyone of breeds mentioned above. Thats all!!
                                • [quote=RealdoggeSyndicate]The size of the head has nothing to do with the hardness of the bite,coralation of bite has to due with symmetrical skull and jaw confiquration.length of muzzle creates harder bite due to sissor bite and leverage in bite design.I.E. an overly long snout with a small head or an overly large head with a short muzzle does not insure a greater bite. just as people beleive that pit bulls have a locking jaw not the case,its hardness of bite thats all.................thats why there is bloodlines with in.. Realdogs[/quote] YEs I agree. Just 10% of the APBT have good bite and just 30% of the 10% are Hard Bite. Hard Bite means the dog like to bite hard , has all the muscle and the veins, heart to use in combine to bite Hard.Need gammeness, staminna too.Desire to bite hard is a point that most of people do not understand... The even/pincer bite, is important so as the broad arc zigmatic and the muscles from the jaw. The best bite could be from APBT x Mastiff probably that combine most of these qualities. In the video the weight of the dog and the power to jump will be influence the test...the stoping power will be diferent.
                                  • [quote=brazillianbandogge] In the video the weight of the dog and the power to jump will be influence the test...the stoping power will be diferent.[/quote] no it has NO influence... coz the power of the bite starts going UP AFTER the dog has had his impact.. if he said 210lbs for the pitball at the moment of impact and the the power DECLINED, THEN you would have a case.. but as he is saying the power started LOW then went up the longer the dog was there AFTER impact... its NOT gamness that makes the dog bite hard... thats very very silly comment to make. EDIT - and as far as "stopping power" the rott in a real life situation.. ALWAYS has more stopping power than any pit.. plus pitbulls suck as being guardians as they require more training to actually engage on a intruder.
                                    • A real dog man knows the head size clearly makes a diffrence
                                      • How about the desire to bite really hard, either because it is simply enraged, or because it is in a fight, or truly just enjoys biting??
                                        • What has this to do with Presas :?:
                                          • Nothing :lol:
                                            • What does this have to do with fat people in Borneo?
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