Comment to Dominance or insecurity?
[quote1326824897=LeeRobinson] [quote] Yeah, but these guys aren't anyones! They're on top of their field. [/quote] So is Steven Hawkin...a scientist that stated he came up with his theory because it was no theory on the subject existed and being a theoretical field no one could prove him wrong. [/quote1326824897] That is a geek's attempt at a joke! His field is called THEORETICAL PHYSICS ... as historically there has ALWAYS been a rivalry between Theoretical Physics and APPLIED PHYSICS. (Both fields consider themselves much more important and look down on the respective other one). This self-deprecating statement was intended for a HAHA response, not to be taken literally. (I happened to major in Theoretical Physics [and Biology], so just as every other college student in Physics I've participated in those pointless philosophical questions of which came first and why it's more important) [quote1326824897=LeeRobinson] My point is titles don't quantify legitimacy. The subject and data does. This is why I stated science is a method...and objective science looks a the WHOLE PICTURE. [/quote1326824897] So if scientific reputations don't have any weight in their field, then that would mean that YOU could just come up with a counter theory to Hawking's and they would be equally legitimate? I didn't think so. The same goes for your view on the canine matter at hand versus the explanations of world reknown scientists in Biology and Anthropology. (Both of which btw aren't theoretical but predominantly based on observation and study of hard data) [quote1326824897=LeeRobinson] Dog's certainly offered their relationship with humans to some degree...but that really has nothing to do SPECIFICALLY with the LGD alone... [/quote1326824897] Of course not! Nobody ever stated that this had to do "SPECIFICALLY with the LGD alone". The LGD is NOT the ancestor of all working breeds. NEITHER is it the reason why we have domesticated dogs today. We are talking about one branch in the early evolution of dogs. One branch. Anyways, I am admittedly growing tired of this argument. So let's declare that you are right and Coppinger et al as well as geneticists and anthropologists are all wrong. "For it is" the shortcoated dog and our god-given power to artificially mold canines into whatever we desire that created robot dogs strictly following their prey-fight-rank program. Oh yeah, and Americans are naturally the best at this. Amen.