Comment to 'dogo argentino vs presa canario vs bullmastiff'
  • I'm interested in a female of any of those breeds, but i would like to know who fits more with my circumstances and neccesities. I need a dog with stable temperament, that accepts my male boston terrier, who lives happy with a medium backyard or, even living in an apartment. A hardy breed, without too much health concerns (i know that every breed has their ailments and health conditions, but the least!!!!) I need and affectionate dog with me, but with great guarding instincts, capable of being a deterrent with mere looks and acts inmediatley. I dont like hyperavtive breeds, i'm more of a calm and stable dog. If the breed is good with children, perfect, but is not a primary requisite right now. Also i live in puerto rico and we are more of a hot weather. If any of the breeds mentioned above isn't the right, please tell me which fit better with me, i'm open to any breed that is right for me.