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dogo argentino vs presa canario vs bullmastiff

if you thinking about so many breeds it's means that you don't know them to much to decided, each breed and it's own you can say that one is worse than the other because each has it's faults and the god stuf take my advice and take your time sit and reaserch about everybreed that takes your eye, writh down everything you looking in a dog, any small thing, eberything incloding size, fur etc after that take your time and LEARN as much as possible about each breed, ask breeders and owners after all of this you will find the one and he will be the best don't worry it toke me a cerefull 2 years search to fund my breed :) cane corso
Replies (16)
    • I'm interested in a female of any of those breeds, but i would like to know who fits more with my circumstances and neccesities. I need a dog with stable temperament, that accepts my male boston terrier, who lives happy with a medium backyard or, even living in an apartment. A hardy breed, without too much health concerns (i know that every breed has their ailments and health conditions, but the least!!!!) I need and affectionate dog with me, but with great guarding instincts, capable of being a deterrent with mere looks and acts inmediatley. I dont like hyperavtive breeds, i'm more of a calm and stable dog. If the breed is good with children, perfect, but is not a primary requisite right now. Also i live in puerto rico and we are more of a hot weather. If any of the breeds mentioned above isn't the right, please tell me which fit better with me, i'm open to any breed that is right for me.
      • If you have a yard anyone of the those dogs will suit you, as long as you give them the proper excercise needed, regardless if you have a yard or not. When it comes to protection instincts I would go with the Presa, mind you that Presas tend to have a sharp temperment, early socialization is the key. The dogo may need more excercise given thats its a hunting dog. The Dogo will do well in the heat as well. I am not a big fan of the bull mastiff as working quality dogs are hard to find. As a deterent the bullmastiff looks are enough to disaude any potential threats, they are not the best in the heat. I would suggest if you have limited living space, to get a pitbull or amstaff, staffie, a smaller bull breed which will do better in tighter living areas. Have you thought about an old english bulldog/leavitt bulldog? Hope this helps.
        • Going by the three breeds you mentioned, if you get a good representative from any of the breeds you would be ok. For your situation I would rate them as Cane Corso, Presa then Dogo. So, take a good look at the Cane Corso. You did not mention some other good candidates such as the American Bulldog, Rhodesian Ridgeback, or the Boerboel. Have a look at our profiles to see if they fit the bill.
          • if you thinking about so many breeds it's means that you don't know them to much to decided, each breed and it's own you can say that one is worse than the other because each has it's faults and the god stuf take my advice and take your time sit and reaserch about everybreed that takes your eye, writh down everything you looking in a dog, any small thing, eberything incloding size, fur etc after that take your time and LEARN as much as possible about each breed, ask breeders and owners after all of this you will find the one and he will be the best don't worry it toke me a cerefull 2 years search to fund my breed :) cane corso
            • with everything u have named that you want I think BoerBoel is probably the best breed for you. Big enough to scare a person, will defend , great with kids, not hyper, can stand heat all in all what u looking for. :D
              • Id say the presa would be a good choice,it can withstand extreme heat,is both visualy intimidating as all hell and very apt to protect at the drop of a hat,they are perfectly capable of apartment living,non hyper,and a female will be less dominate and easy to socialize compared to the male, so all would be good..[also they can compete in all kinds of dog sports and activities,weight pull,p.p etc,witch is a plus] If you get a good dog[temperment,hips,health etc]there tuff to beat.. As for the bull mastiff,many are sickly short lived dogs with nervous skitish temperments,definetly intimidating but not athletic,they are heat sensitive also,fine dogs but hard to find a quality one,if you chose the bullmastiff go with the brindle dog.. Dogos are great also,but they unlike the other two breeds would be much happyer doing there job,[hunting] they are dogs with high prey drive also very sesitive dogs,probably not good for a apartment but good with kids[if from hunting lines]and better with dogs than the presa,they also can tolerate great heat extreams.. What ever choice you make there are good dogs to be found in all three breeds,but with the bull mastiff they are fewer and farther between..
                • [quote=gsicard]Going by the three breeds you mentioned, if you get a good representative from any of the breeds you would be ok. For your situation I would rate them as Cane Corso, Presa then Dogo. So, take a good look at the Cane Corso. You did not mention some other good candidates such as the American Bulldog, Rhodesian Ridgeback, or the Boerboel. Have a look at our profiles to see if they fit the bill.[/quote]i like the corsos but in puerto rico there aren't any good breeder of the cane corso nor the boerboels.
                  • [quote=bullmol242]If you have a yard anyone of the those dogs will suit you, as long as you give them the proper excercise needed, regardless if you have a yard or not. When it comes to protection instincts I would go with the Presa, mind you that Presas tend to have a sharp temperment, early socialization is the key. The dogo may need more excercise given thats its a hunting dog. The Dogo will do well in the heat as well. I am not a big fan of the bull mastiff as working quality dogs are hard to find. As a deterent the bullmastiff looks are enough to disaude any potential threats, they are not the best in the heat. I would suggest if you have limited living space, to get a pitbull or amstaff, staffie, a smaller bull breed which will do better in tighter living areas. Have you thought about an old english bulldog/leavitt bulldog? Hope this helps.[/quote] I dont know too much about the olde english bulldog, and for i know they vary too much of height and weight. The other problem is that in puerto rico there are not reliable breeders of these type of bulldog. I would like to know more about their temperament around kids and others dogs
                    • [quote=Rodja]with everything u have named that you want I think BoerBoel is probably the best breed for you. Big enough to scare a person, will defend , great with kids, not hyper, can stand heat all in all what u looking for. :D[/quote] Do they do well in not so big places and are better with other dogs than the dogo and the presa? I like the boerboels dogs, because thet are very muscular and had a square body and for what i read thgey are not so dominant as the presas. never has seen one in person, but would love to see one. Thanks
                      • [quote="cane76"]Id say the presa would be a good choice,it can withstand extreme heat,is both visualy intimidating as all hell and very apt to protect at the drop of a hat,they are perfectly capable of apartment living,non hyper,and a female will be less dominate and easy to socialize compared to the male, so all would be good..[also they can compete in all kinds of dog sports and activities,weight pull,p.p etc,witch is a plus] If you get a good dog[temperment,hips,health etc]there tuff to beat.. As for the bull mastiff,many are sickly short lived dogs with nervous skitish temperments,definetly intimidating but not athletic,they are heat sensitive also,fine dogs but hard to find a quality one,if you chose the bullmastiff go with the brindle dog.. Dogos are great also,but they unlike the other two breeds would be much happyer doing there job,[hunting] they are dogs with high prey drive also very sesitive dogs,probably not good for a apartment but good with kids[if from hunting lines]and better with dogs than the presa,they also can tolerate great heat extreams.. What ever choice you make there are good dogs to be found in all three breeds,but with the bull mastiff they are fewer and farther between..[/quote] whwn you said that dogo argentinos are sensite, to specifically what are you referring?
                        • Ever considered a Puerto Rican Mastiff? Looks like a Presa Canario, and has very similar qualities. judging by the name they should not have a problem with the heat in PR. If you need more info let me know, I know for a fat that there are breeders in PR, and you would not have to pay expensive shipping fees. Ju Just a thought, think about it......I hope this helps!
                          • CORNELIO, dogos are sensetive to disipline,if you are a bit to harsh with a dogo you can ruin the dog,presas are a much tuffer dog in general,a ruff hand which very well might be reqiured, will NOT destroy the dogs spirt[confidance]like it might a dogo,there both fine dogs,both tolerante of the heat,i just enjoy the presas type, and ability to adapt to aprt living,as well as there tuff temperment...
                            • [quote=cornelio"][quote="gsicard]Going by the three breeds you mentioned, if you get a good representative from any of the breeds you would be ok. For your situation I would rate them as Cane Corso, Presa then Dogo. So, take a good look at the Cane Corso. You did not mention some other good candidates such as the American Bulldog, Rhodesian Ridgeback, or the Boerboel. Have a look at our profiles to see if they fit the bill.[/quote]i like the corsos but in puerto rico there aren't any good breeder of the cane corso nor the boerboels.[/quote]Hi i'm from PR. Hablas español,yo tengo filas/american bulldogs/mastines napolitano.Cualquier cosa dejame saber a ver si te puedo ayudar.
                              • [quote=bloque"][quote="cornelio"][quote="gsicard]Going by the three breeds you mentioned, if you get a good representative from any of the breeds you would be ok. For your situation I would rate them as Cane Corso, Presa then Dogo. So, take a good look at the Cane Corso. You did not mention some other good candidates such as the American Bulldog, Rhodesian Ridgeback, or the Boerboel. Have a look at our profiles to see if they fit the bill.[/quote]i like the corsos but in puerto rico there aren't any good breeder of the cane corso nor the boerboels.[/quote]Hi i'm from PR. Hablas español,yo tengo filas/american bulldogs/mastines napolitano.Cualquier cosa dejame saber a ver si te puedo ayudar.[/quote] pues si me puedes dar tu telefono, te puedo llamr a ver si alguna de las razas que tienes me puede interesar. Quisiera ver los american bulldogs
                                • Mi num 787-240-8148.De que pueblo eres,yo soy de Toa Alta.">
                                  • Find a dog whose personality you like. Regardless of whats been said here you really cant hang characteritics on a dog except in vague generalities. Temperments and characteristics vary within a litter. Bullmastiffs are prone to health problems and short lived though. Good luck
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