Comment to 'paw yeast infection'
  • The BIG seem to not recommend C Silver for any internal or dietary purpose. Research continues.....


    What the Science Says About the Safety and Side Effects of Colloidal Silver

    • Colloidal silver can cause serious side effects. The most common is argyria, a bluish-gray discoloration of the skin, which is usually permanent.
    • Colloidal silver can also cause poor absorption of some drugs, such as certain antibiotics and thyroxine (used to treat thyroid deficiency).
    • The FDA also warned in 1999 that colloidal silver isn’t safe or effective for treating any disease or condition.
    • The FDA and the Federal Trade Commission have taken action against a number of companies for making misleading claims about colloidal silver products.
    • Topical silver (used on the skin) has some appropriate medical uses, such as in bandages and dressings to treat burns, skin wounds, or skin infections. It’s also in medicines to prevent conjunctivitis (an eye condition) in newborns. However, there are no legally marketed prescription or over-the-counter drugs containing colloidal silver that are taken by mouth.