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paw yeast infection

Thanks for posting that link to DermaBenSs Shampoo. I read their description and it does sound like a good product.  I wonder if anyone here has experience using it?

"DermaBenSs Shampoo is formulated for dogs, cats, and horses. It is a gentle, soap-free, antiseborrheic, antimicrobial shampoo. It is for support of healthy skin for animals with seborrheic skin conditions. Great for degreasing and follicular flushing. Ceramides aid in moisturizing, repairing, and restoring dry, damaged skin.

Formerly known as DermaBenSS At 2.5%, this formulation is stabilized (and given additional nutritional value) by the worlds best natural antioxidant, Vitamin E. It is the only BP product on the market to contain both sulfur and salicylic acid in an all natural base containing a natural, herbal fragrance and moisturizers. It assists in the treatment of Hot Spots, pyodermas (skin infections), lick granulomas, acne, oily seborrhea, greasy skin, Staph infections, skin fold infections and many other diseases requiring an antimicrobial shampoo. It stands alone in its ability to flush out hair follicles filled with infectious microbes."

@mastini-mayhem - thanks for the tip on Epsom Salt.  Any particular procedure for mixing (amount, warm or cold water, how long to soak etc..)

Replies (22)
    • so you guys may have seen my previous post about food allergy for my dogs. Turns out its not food allergy, what he has is a yeast infection of the paws. Problem is, its recurrent. has anyone had a similar issue? his feet look something like this. I got him back on antibiotics, and a shampoo etc. And it has cleared up like always, problem is once hes off the meds it returns!


      looks something like this!

      below is not my dog, just a google pic of yeast infection dog paw.

      Image result for dog yeast infection paw

      • forgot too mention, i switched him back to kibble, taste of the wild, as its not made with any yeast or grains. 


        Image result for taste of the wild

        • We have not had any issues with paw yeast infections. It is normally attributed to high carbohydrate/grain diets and the moist paws are a perfect place for yeast to present.

          "Yeast infections and foot fungus can occur in dogs as well as humans, and are generally the result of a diet that is high in yeast. The body turns carbohydrates into sugar, therefore your dog should avoid a high-carbohydrate diet while being treated for yeast infection. Feed her a diet rich in low-glycemic vegetables instead of things like potatoes, corn, rice and wheat, all of which are carbohydrates. Use homemade rinses and ointments prescribed by veterinarians to treat yeast infections on dog paws. A dog's moist paws create an ideal environment for yeast to thrive."

          We do not feed kibble as a general principle - sometimes we do mix a little no grain/wheat/rice kibble into the raw food. We do use Taste of the Wild (sometimes blue buffalo) for that - have not had any yeast problems with our dogs.  But then again we live in Texas and "moisture" is not generally a problem.

          Link to quote above.

          • when I was doing raw for him, it was chicken and rice, or beef and rice that we would feed him. My wifes asian and cooks alot, so basically all our meals are rice with some type of meat and vegetables, generally speaking. So it was pretty easy to just feed him the left overs or make a bit extra, but it says no rice. Feeding Kibble is definitely easier. Im just glad that after about 2 years, we finally know what the problem is. He has been getting treated for allergies this whole time and bunch of vet hopping. Its amazing how bad some of these vets are, I had the humane society try to tell me it was ringworm! which its certainly is not. 


              Its amazing how bad some of these vets are, I had the humane society try to tell me it was ringworm! which its certainly is not.

               When your only tool is a hammer all problems start to look like nails.  :)

              Our trusty veterinarian Dr. Sara Bates moved to Italy and got very busy. I would always trust her to provide accurate information from which to make good decisions. Vets like her are hard to find these days.

              It is good that you do your own research and allow us to chime in on here..


              THANK you

                • thank you, ill have to give it a shot, different ingredients that the shampoo I currently have for him. 

                  • Soak the dogs feet in Epsom salt, helps a ton.

                    • Thanks for posting that link to DermaBenSs Shampoo. I read their description and it does sound like a good product.  I wonder if anyone here has experience using it?

                      "DermaBenSs Shampoo is formulated for dogs, cats, and horses. It is a gentle, soap-free, antiseborrheic, antimicrobial shampoo. It is for support of healthy skin for animals with seborrheic skin conditions. Great for degreasing and follicular flushing. Ceramides aid in moisturizing, repairing, and restoring dry, damaged skin.

                      Formerly known as DermaBenSS At 2.5%, this formulation is stabilized (and given additional nutritional value) by the worlds best natural antioxidant, Vitamin E. It is the only BP product on the market to contain both sulfur and salicylic acid in an all natural base containing a natural, herbal fragrance and moisturizers. It assists in the treatment of Hot Spots, pyodermas (skin infections), lick granulomas, acne, oily seborrhea, greasy skin, Staph infections, skin fold infections and many other diseases requiring an antimicrobial shampoo. It stands alone in its ability to flush out hair follicles filled with infectious microbes."

                      @mastini-mayhem - thanks for the tip on Epsom Salt.  Any particular procedure for mixing (amount, warm or cold water, how long to soak etc..)

                      • After a little research I found a wonderful article written by Dr. Karen Becker over at Healthy Pets.

                        A portion of the article is below for your review but I recommend reading the entire thing on her site.

                        Disinfecting Yeasty Paws

                        Yeast thrives in a moist environment and in crevices – between your dog's foot pads, for example, in armpit and groin creases, and around the vulva and anus. So disinfecting those parts of a yeasty dog is really important.

                        Since the only body parts that sweat on your dog are his nose and the pads of his feet, during hot humid months when yeast tends to thrive, you'll need to disinfect those paws.

                        Depending on the size of your dog, you can use one of those Rubbermaid sweater boxes filled with water from a hose, or if your dog is small you can just pop him in the kitchen or bathroom sink. If you have a giant size breed, you can try a coffee can or cup filled with water. The goal is to dunk the feet, then pat them dry.

                        Spraying or wiping down a dog's paws won't get the job done. Yeast lives under the nail beds and in all the creases you can't get to if the paws aren't submerged in a foot soak.

                        I recommend a gallon of water, a cup of hydrogen peroxide, and 1-4 cups of white vinegar as a foot soak solution. You can use this solution as many times a day as necessary to keep your dog's feet clean. 'Clean and dry' needs to become your mantra.

                        After you dip your dog's feet in the astringent solution of water/hydrogen peroxide/white vinegar, there's no need to rinse. Just pat the paws dry. Leaving the solution dried on your dog's paws serves as an antifungal and should also reduce licking and digging at the paws.

                        Link to the full article

                        • I typically follow the directions on the bag, but roughly a cup for a bucket of warm water. Its great, helps relieve pain, swelling and kills germs. It's very common within the horse community. I have used it with wildlife too, as its easy to put in a spray bottle and I can keep myself at a distance. It also doesn't cause any burning as well as it doesn't kill healthy cells like peroxide does.

                          • Gary,

                            My vet recommended using the Dermabenss shampoo because my pit use to have itchy sensitive skin. What I do is follow the directions on the label.

                            Wet my dog down. Get between the toes and on the pads etcetera. Leave the shampoo on for 10 mins. (I take my dog for a short walk on a leash during this time.)  Then I wash him off and dry him down. The shampoo is gentle enough to do this once a week for a month until the infection is better or cured. Then wash once a month thereafter. 

                            It's smart to sanitize where he normally sleeps as well and clean blankets he lays on before washing him.




                            • Very cool. I am a minimalist when it comes to my dogs. The least amount of work I have to do to "take care" of them the better. Luckily (maybe) we have not had any health related issues with our dogs in Texas.  It has been amazing that the only reason they go the vet is to get Rabies shot because it is required. With that said, if we ever have a yeast paw problem I will probably use this method as it appears to require less work. 

                              After you dip your dog's feet in the astringent solution of water/hydrogen peroxide/white vinegar, there's no need to rinse. Just pat the paws dry. Leaving the solution dried on your dog's paws serves as an antifungal and should also reduce licking and digging at the paws.

                               Of course there are other solutions that would work too as suggested by Jessica and Tom. The bottom line is to use whatever works best, cost less and require the least amount of effort to achieve the results.  :)

                              Great discussion - thanks all for participating. It is good to have a chat going again.

                              • Don't know if you're still having trouble with this but I learned quite about infections with my old Doberman years ago. Any time I have a dog who has a reoccurring infection of ANY type, I go to colloidal silver. I have a machine & make my own but you can buy it at any health food store. My machine makes a very fine particle colloidal silver so it's more user friendly than some of the other types. For the type I make I can use as much as a shot glass full per dose. For the stuff you buy at a store, go by the directions. I start out giving this orally 3 times a day for the first 3 days, then two times per day for the next 7 days. In the mean time, I also take the C. Silver & put it in a glass & dunk the paws in it. (C.Silver does not like plastic, metal, or sunlight. These things cause the silver to fall out of suspension. So you store it in a dark glass container. You can put it in a syringe (no needle) to administer it but you don't store it there. So when I dunk paws, I put it in glass. Give it five minutes then dry those paws. I use those groomer towels that sucks the moisture out of the coat after a bath. Dry, dry, dry. My dogs are so used to me doing this sort of thing they don't give me any grief. This stuff is good for bacterial, viral, & fungal. My dog got so bad with staph infections that he was living on high doses of antibiotics. I did the above with my dog as well as using medicinal clay & cleared up the staph & he never had it again in his life. That was after 3 years of constant staph infection battles. I've used it for yeast, fungal, bacterial infections successfully. I have also used it with a glass spray bottle. A lot of times what happens is the body gets bogged down trying to fight this that it suppresses the immune system. So the silver does not bog down the immune system but you don't want to get carried away because C. Silver knows not the difference between good & bad flora & fauna. So rid the body of the problem then stop using it until you need it again (if you do).  
                                I have used this in people, livestock, & dogs. It's amazing stuff. You can use it internally & externally. You can even use it for eye drops if there is a scratch or unknown irritation in the eyes. Amazing stuff. 

                                • Fantastic post. Thank you Peepers. Now I must research C Silver to learn more about it.

                                  • The BIG seem to not recommend C Silver for any internal or dietary purpose. Research continues.....


                                    What the Science Says About the Safety and Side Effects of Colloidal Silver

                                    • Colloidal silver can cause serious side effects. The most common is argyria, a bluish-gray discoloration of the skin, which is usually permanent.
                                    • Colloidal silver can also cause poor absorption of some drugs, such as certain antibiotics and thyroxine (used to treat thyroid deficiency).
                                    • The FDA also warned in 1999 that colloidal silver isn’t safe or effective for treating any disease or condition.
                                    • The FDA and the Federal Trade Commission have taken action against a number of companies for making misleading claims about colloidal silver products.
                                    • Topical silver (used on the skin) has some appropriate medical uses, such as in bandages and dressings to treat burns, skin wounds, or skin infections. It’s also in medicines to prevent conjunctivitis (an eye condition) in newborns. However, there are no legally marketed prescription or over-the-counter drugs containing colloidal silver that are taken by mouth.
                                    • And the plot thickens.....



                                      By having a direct effect on cellular respiration, colloidal silver benefits the body in numerous ways. There are, however, eight proven healing properties that I consider to be particularly supported by the medical literature.

                                      1. Antibacterial

                                      First, colloidal silver’s ability to control antibiotic-resistant superbugs is astonishing. While employed at UCLA Medical School in the 1980s, Larry C. Ford, MD, documented over 650 different disease-causing pathogens that were destroyed in minutes when exposed to small amounts of silver. (6)

                                      Colloidal silver, unlike its modern prescription antibiotic counterpart, simply doesn’t create resistance or immunity in the organisms that are killed by it. This point cannot be emphasized enough, especially in light of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reporting that more than 2 million people in the U.S. suffer illness every year as a result of antibiotic-resistant infections and 23,000 die from these infections. (7)

                                      2. Wound Care/Skin Health

                                      Robert O. Becker, MD, says that colloidal silver stimulates healing in the skin and other soft tissues. (8) In a research article produced by Pharmacognosy Communications in 2012, it was specifically recommended that certain colloidal silver preparations should be considered for topical use to treat burns, thrush, periodontitis and other conditions. (9)

                                      For instance, you can treat ringworm (Tinea capitis) at home with colloidal silver because it’s a potent anti-fungal. Caused by a fungus that lives on the top layer of the skin, ringworm presents as round, scaly patches. It’s contagious and spread by skin contact and by contaminated materials, such as clothing.

                                      Colloidal silver benefits many skins conditions such as psoriasis and eczema as well. It’s soothing to scrapes and even repairs tissue damage from burns.

                                      3. Pink Eye/Ear Infections 

                                      Pink eye is an inflamed mucous membrane that covers the eyeball and eyelid lining, and it’s primarily caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Colloidal silver can be used for prompt action against this irritating and highly infectious virus and bacteria.

                                      When applied on the infected eye, the tiny silver colloids pick up the infected cells by attracting them electromagnetically and sending them into the bloodstream to be eliminated.

                                      Our modern prescription antibiotic drugs are designed to work against specific classes of bacteria, but ear infections may be caused by multiple classes of bacteria or can even be fungal.

                                      In this case, the prescription antibiotic will be useless, whereas colloidal silver is effective regardless of what may be causing your infection.

                                      4. Antiviral

                                      Colloidal silver benefits can be experienced as an anti-viral for HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, herpes, shingles and warts. Dr. Martin Hum, from the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, lists colloidal silver as one of the natural remedies to stop viruses fast. (10)

                                      Colloidal silver suffocates the virus and can even reduce the activity of the HIV virus in AIDS patients. There are also numerous anecdotal accounts of colloidal silver’s efficacy against the hepatitis C virus.

                                      5. Anti-Inflammatory

                                      Colloidal silver is also a fantastic anti-inflammatory remedy. Case in point: Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) studied the effects of inflammation after being treated by colloidal silver; they found that the inflamed skin of pigs treated with silver experienced near-normal skin after 72 hours, while other treatment groups not treated with silver remained inflamed. (11)

                                      Research is beginning to reflect what many people have already known anecdotally for years — that colloidal silver can reduce swelling, speed healing, and boosts cell recovery!

                                      6. Sinusitis

                                      Widely used to control sinus infections, colloidal silver can benefit people as a nasal spray, according to a study published in the International Forum for Allergy and Rhinology last year. (14)

                                      Specifically shown to kill Staph aureus, you can add a few drops of silver in a “neti pot” or by applying directly into your nasal cavity and letting it drain down your throat by tilting your head back.

                                      Also, it’s important to point out that recent research indicates that hidden infections by pathogens could be a cause of respiratory inflammation associated with common allergies and asthma. Colloidal silver destroys Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections, which may be the reason why airborne allergy sufferers often find such dramatic relief from colloidal silver.

                                      7. Cold/Flu

                                      Some claim that colloidal silver helps prevent all types of flu, including swine flu, as well as the common cold. (15)

                                      Few studies have been done to test this clinically, but in 2011 the NIH took 100 children under the age of 12 suffering from the common cold and nasal congestion and assigned them into two groups; the first group was treated with a solution of colloidal silver and beta glucan, and the second group with saline solution. Even though both groups benefited from the treatment, 90% of the people in the colloidal silver group completely recovered! (16)

                                      8. Pneumonia 

                                      Our modern drugs have become limited in their efficacy when it comes to fighting bronchitis or pneumonia. Typically, antibiotics are administered as the first line of defense, but when the pneumonia is viral, antibiotics won’t help in the least. The nice thing about colloidal silver is that it can help regardless of the pathogen.

                                      Colloidal silver is a remarkable product to help fight against bronchitis and pneumonia when ingested internally, but an even more effective way to utilize it? Simply breathe it into your lungs.

                                      This way, the silver directly contacts the germs residing in the lungs, which are causing bronchitis or pneumonia. It’s basically the same thing as using respiratory support, and it works speedily, clearing it up within a couple of days.

                                      Now, the most effective method to get the colloidal silver into the lungs is to use a nebulizer. Generally, use one teaspoon approximately three times a day for 10 to 15 minutes.

                                      • thanks for all the replies guys. I am considering trying the coloidal silver, but am also a bit scared about the things I have read about it. Although it seems all the bad things that can happen from it, are from injesting it. I would think soaking his feet or maybe even bathing him with it might be a good idea?


                                        given that he has been on and off antibiotics for so long, im sure his immune system is weakened, also his labs show that the bacteria is resistant to many types of antibitics. I guess the bottom line is, whatever it is, his body is not capable of fighting it off himself.


                                        My vet also suggested trying dinovite......has anyone heard of this?

                                        • I have heard the commercials for dinovite on Sirius XM radio many times. Have no experience with it though. Checkout this review.  http://www.dogvitaminreviews.com/dinovite.html


                                          • Thats interesting Gary, after that read I dont think I will try it. I did speak with my vet about colloidal silver as mentioned and he suggested trying that as well so I am definitely going to be giving that a try as well.

                                            I have been doing daily foot soaks in water and vinegar and he is actually doing better. I still have him on apoquel as well. As mentioned previously the goal should be to keep his feet clean and dry, besides the water and vinegar foot soaks, I have a antibiotic cream and spray that I apply to his feet after the foot soaks. Another thing that I have been doing is keeping him outside a bit more, my theory on this is because the dirt in the yard, is very dry, dusty, dirt, so it should help keep his feet dry as well. I have been thinking about maybe trying human foot powder for his feet as well just to keep them dry. I think a huge part of the problem was his feet chronically being wet from all the puss and stuff oozing out. Keeping them dry as best as I can should make a difference. also we do frequent washing with chlorexidine/ketoconazole shampoo, and also a mild bleach/water foot soak as well. His feet are currently the best they have been in a long time.


                                            I gotta say thank god for all the help here! and I am excited to try the colloidal silver as it sounds like his dog had the identical problem to mine.

                                            • I am so happy that you are seeing great progress in his paws condition. THAT is awesome news.... now if we could only figure out which one or combination did the trick? :)

                                              Please let us know how the CS works.

                                              Our dogs live outside and on extremely hot days they go into the garage where it is airconditioned. It is very dry in Texas and our dogs don't seem to have any ailments so far. They do have a lot of space to run and their foot pads are very thick and resilient. Could it be that you needed a dehumidifier in the house?  Just thinking out loud here.

                                              • Hey guys great news, I didnt have to buy the colloidal silver because the vinegar foot soaks are working amazing. Hes the best hes been in years. Its nearly completely gone. 

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