We just had an incident between a couple on our block where police were called, (long story). They had two dogs that basically were always confined to the front yard with a short chain link fence. The one dog was a pit mix and the recent arrival was a cairn.The dogs were nice dogs except the pit mix did have dog aggression issues. They kept themselves busy by barking at anything that came within eyesight. Anyway the owner removed the dogs to her brothers where they had a dog in I believe a mobile or small house where the pit mix attacked the brothers dog. The owner took the dog to the local shelter without knowing that the city has a euthanize policy towards all bully, Rotts etc breed etc.dogs. Upon finding out she was aggressive they euthanized her probably within the day. We in the neighborhood had grown used to the dog and although they could be annoying we were saddened to find out what happened and though it is quieter there is a sense of loss especially since the dog was not as what I consider dog aggressive beyond all hope. The owners did not walk them, and failed in her decision to put the dog in with another unfamiliar dog without working her first. The owner is not a bad person and the dog in my opinion was a great watchdog but ignorance in this case came to a tragic ending to a bad situation.