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Have any of you dealt with this breeder?

Well, this gentleman said his dogs are very aggressive and he breeds the most aggressive dogs. That level of honesty alone is rare in the dog industry and it should give a certain level of comfort that Andrew is serious about his work.  Not saying that what he does is right for you but it is what he does.

Quote "I'm not here to baby you, or market to you. I'm here to sell you the most aggressive, large breed dog that you can find."

So if you decide to buy a one of his dogs you should not be surprised if it behaves aggressively.  If what he offers is what you want - we call that the free market.  My understanding is that his dogs are healthy, athletic, and yes, Aggressive.

Oh, by the way - if you want a family pet then his dogs are probably not what you want - If you want a family protector that is aggressive to strangers - well his dogs may work.  lets face it.  I have protective dogs. I put them away when neighbors visit.  Even neighbors who played with them as pups are no longer "welcome".  :)

If you do get one of Andrew's dogs please let us know how it goes.


Replies (14)
    • http://olympicdogs.biz/

      I've been hearing mixed things about him ranging from them being super dogs to them being hyper aggressive dogs.  

      Any advice is greatly appreciated because I've been considering getting one.  Thanks!

      • Well, this gentleman said his dogs are very aggressive and he breeds the most aggressive dogs. That level of honesty alone is rare in the dog industry and it should give a certain level of comfort that Andrew is serious about his work.  Not saying that what he does is right for you but it is what he does.

        Quote "I'm not here to baby you, or market to you. I'm here to sell you the most aggressive, large breed dog that you can find."

        So if you decide to buy a one of his dogs you should not be surprised if it behaves aggressively.  If what he offers is what you want - we call that the free market.  My understanding is that his dogs are healthy, athletic, and yes, Aggressive.

        Oh, by the way - if you want a family pet then his dogs are probably not what you want - If you want a family protector that is aggressive to strangers - well his dogs may work.  lets face it.  I have protective dogs. I put them away when neighbors visit.  Even neighbors who played with them as pups are no longer "welcome".  :)

        If you do get one of Andrew's dogs please let us know how it goes.


        • I have a dog that is half boerboel and half Dogo. The bitch was a pure Dogo that was owned by Olympic dogs and the father was a Boerboel owned by another party. When I got the dog I was a little unprepared,( I thought I was prepared), but she my dog turned out to have dog aggression. I had owned a fila so I thought I could train her myself but I surrendered and got a trainer that taught us how to cope with that aspect. Over the years she still lights up when another off leash dog comes near but we have learned how to deal with her, That being said I do trust my life with her and in my area that is important. We have a lot of drug activity and homelessness so when I walk my dogs early it is dark and the folks that are of a concern know her and give us a wide berth. She does not go off on people and people that we know she is friendly with. I do lock her up when folks come over ,(full house with small kids etc), just to be safe as I live in a small house. After owning her I have thought would I get another and I have to say I do not think I could get the level of security that I feel with this dog unless I go through Olympic dogs. I would start training the dog early and often with a trainer that is familiar with these breeds as I live in an area where ignorant people will let their dogs off leash. I and my wife carry a shocker to scare other dogs away if they start coming too close.I might add this dog without any prior training ,(I think could and would) stop a home invasion without being trained to do so.She is if anything a deterrent. Novice owners beware. All that said she is 8 years old and no major heath issues, except thyroid. We also had her fixed too early and she had a problem with crystals when she was young since cured. She has grey around her muzzle but is still very athletic and when she turns it on you would think she was three. I have to say I frequent Olympicdogs quite often, (over the years ) and I love checking out his new pups and will probably get another after this one passes.    

          • Purpose

            "To cross-breed dogs with selective traits that create aggressive dogs for families to purchase.

            I'm not here to baby you, or market to you. I'm here to sell you the most aggressive, large breed dog that you can find.

            If a dog I sell, bites a kid, then it's just the course of natural selection. Don't come looking for a refund."


            Why not when there are people who want to pay for this and of no avail !

            • Although it might be an interesting experiment to see how many people would actually accept that fake site (  olympicdogs.biz ) introduced here by the fake

              "john smith" or how many might comment before actually reading enough to realize it's a hoax

               My actual website is



              I do feel the need to point out what is going here.  I've always said the internet was the revenge of the nerds :) This is a prime example.


               The person that created the .biz site, is a fraud and a would be extortionist.  Albeit with some I.T. skills  and they have gone to the trouble to create and entire fake website.    They have stolen my images, including the one of me, and are actively pretending to be me essentially, and slander my program, my person, etc.  in a rather crude manner. 


                Setting aside the blatant illegality and moral issues, they obviously don't know much about dogs, so in a forum like this it probably won't gain much traction.  But the campaign to soil my image is not limited to this location.   And given they have actually linked to my real photo albums and my real Youtube station it could be confusing.... 

               For those of you who find this maneuver upsetting and would like to get involved with our response.  Please feel free to reach out.  We know who it is, there will be a response.


                If you've spent anytime what so ever on Dog Forums you've seen a lot of mud slinging.  This is just a more tech savvy version of the same.  As time goes by I expect one will see more and more advanced forms of this sort of thing, so be careful what you read out there, be careful what you assume to be true, or real.

              Fortunately for us it may provide an economic payday, after we pierce the vail of proxy domain registration and such.  There are assets to attach to.  

              And there are people to find.

              And if MD would like to be of assistance, the I.P. address of " john smith" would be a good start.

              I generally don't spend time on forums anymore because.... well........ my time is better spent elsewhere.   But for those of you who do, just know 

              Andrew Johnston and  the real deal  olympicdogs.net  has haters, and probably always will.


              We do piss of a fair number people of purebred enthusiasts to an almost insane degree simply by crossing breed lines.

              We don't turn the other cheek, we don't take shit, and we don't kiss ass.......  That will offend some, but the customer is not always right.


               We do take great pride in our program.  We do our part to try and educate the public both on the website and in person.  Although we do a wide range of breedings from purebreds to crosses, we don't spin the product for sales.   We also make an effort that includes traveling the globe among other things to get the best examples of the breeds we use.

              But the public.... is the public..... and although most of the them are a pleasure to deal with, some even become friends, there will always be a certain percentage that are just bad news.  


              At the end of the day selling dogs is not like selling anything else.


              People get very emotional about their dogs.  If the dog works out for them they tend to worship the breeder.  If it doesn't they tend to demonize the breeder....


              Probably to excess in both cases.  


              Be careful what you believe out there.




              Andrew Johnston





              • I would also like to add that your breed descriptions are spot on. She is a yes dog devoted to her people, she has no interest in straying,( although I would not let her) when I do allow her to go off leash she sticks to me pretty close. It is also true ( Dogo ) that when she is committed it is very hard to get her off or out of that state.I have learned to read the signs when she was around my other dogs as she is possessive and protective of me in particular. I do not live in a rural area but I could see these traits coming in handy protecting livestock against predators ie; cougars, bears, coyotes and stray dogs. I have noticed on the website that some of the dogs seem more laid back than others and I will probably try to get one of those pups.

                • I forgot to mention she is sweet and needy, a kind of dichotomy for a dog like her.


                    If you've spent anytime what so ever on Dog Forums you've seen a lot of mud slinging.  This is just a more tech savvy version of the same.  As time goes by I expect one will see more and more advanced forms of this sort of thing, so be careful what you read out there, be careful what you assume to be true, or real.

                    Very good point. The internet is a great medium to spread information and also misinformation.  The good news is that though the OP intended to be misleading, it was refreshing that on this site the members respected "your" right to do what you like and did not bet judgmental.  

                    I did try to find the IP but it was a dead end. Thank you for responding to this topic and setting things right. 

                    • I did wonder about the olympicbiz thing but It went right over my head. Everything I said was not meant to be negative, just my take as honest as I could.I recognized the picture and just decided to respond as like I said I have followed the site for years and although my dog has been a challenge at times I am a better dog person now because of her and would not trade her for nothing. Keep up the good work. BTY the Country and Blue pups look awesome!   

                      • It is actually refreshing to find someone breeding protective dogs and not making apologies for them.  I think that because of social, governmental, and breed club pressures, most once formidable breeds are not relegated to coach warmers, status symbols, and ribbon magnets.  Not good for any breed but especially the breeds with some fire drive to protect.

                        Your ownership of one of these dogs and the learning you achieved through that process are what makes a great dog owner.  Keep up the great work.

                        • We just had an incident between a couple on our block where police were called, (long story). They had two dogs that basically were always confined to the front yard with a short chain link fence. The one dog was a pit mix and the recent arrival was a cairn.The dogs were nice dogs except the pit mix did have dog aggression issues. They kept themselves busy by barking at anything that came within eyesight. Anyway the owner removed the dogs to her brothers where they had a dog in I believe a mobile or small house where the pit mix attacked the brothers dog. The owner took the dog to the local shelter without knowing that the city has a euthanize policy towards all bully, Rotts etc breed etc.dogs. Upon finding out she was aggressive they euthanized her probably within the day. We in the neighborhood had grown used to the dog and although they could be annoying we were saddened to find out what happened and though it is quieter there is a sense of loss especially since the dog was not as what I consider dog aggressive beyond all hope. The owners did not walk them, and failed in her decision to put the dog in with another unfamiliar dog without working her first. The owner is not a bad person and the dog in my opinion was a great watchdog but ignorance in this case came to a tragic ending to a bad situation. 

                          • That is a sad story.  One should always read the law in the location where one lives.  It helps us to make better decision.

                            • Guess I was a little preemptive..... The second party owning the dog was told about his dog being incarcerated and apparently intervened in time to give the dog a reprieve. He called in time and the dog was released to his friend on his behalf. His future is a little dicy, (the owner) so we all the neighbors, ( and I presume his friend ),will keep an eye on the situation. 

                              • Well then we have a happy ending to his saga.  I am glad it worked out. Now back to the topic. :)

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