Comment to 'Have any of you dealt with this breeder?'
  • Although it might be an interesting experiment to see how many people would actually accept that fake site ( ) introduced here by the fake

    "john smith" or how many might comment before actually reading enough to realize it's a hoax

     My actual website is


    I do feel the need to point out what is going here.  I've always said the internet was the revenge of the nerds :) This is a prime example.


     The person that created the .biz site, is a fraud and a would be extortionist.  Albeit with some I.T. skills  and they have gone to the trouble to create and entire fake website.    They have stolen my images, including the one of me, and are actively pretending to be me essentially, and slander my program, my person, etc.  in a rather crude manner. 


      Setting aside the blatant illegality and moral issues, they obviously don't know much about dogs, so in a forum like this it probably won't gain much traction.  But the campaign to soil my image is not limited to this location.   And given they have actually linked to my real photo albums and my real Youtube station it could be confusing.... 

     For those of you who find this maneuver upsetting and would like to get involved with our response.  Please feel free to reach out.  We know who it is, there will be a response.


      If you've spent anytime what so ever on Dog Forums you've seen a lot of mud slinging.  This is just a more tech savvy version of the same.  As time goes by I expect one will see more and more advanced forms of this sort of thing, so be careful what you read out there, be careful what you assume to be true, or real.

    Fortunately for us it may provide an economic payday, after we pierce the vail of proxy domain registration and such.  There are assets to attach to.  

    And there are people to find.

    And if MD would like to be of assistance, the I.P. address of " john smith" would be a good start.

    I generally don't spend time on forums anymore because.... well........ my time is better spent elsewhere.   But for those of you who do, just know 

    Andrew Johnston and  the real deal  has haters, and probably always will.


    We do piss of a fair number people of purebred enthusiasts to an almost insane degree simply by crossing breed lines.

    We don't turn the other cheek, we don't take shit, and we don't kiss ass.......  That will offend some, but the customer is not always right.


     We do take great pride in our program.  We do our part to try and educate the public both on the website and in person.  Although we do a wide range of breedings from purebreds to crosses, we don't spin the product for sales.   We also make an effort that includes traveling the globe among other things to get the best examples of the breeds we use.

    But the public.... is the public..... and although most of the them are a pleasure to deal with, some even become friends, there will always be a certain percentage that are just bad news.  


    At the end of the day selling dogs is not like selling anything else.


    People get very emotional about their dogs.  If the dog works out for them they tend to worship the breeder.  If it doesn't they tend to demonize the breeder....


    Probably to excess in both cases.  


    Be careful what you believe out there.




    Andrew Johnston