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  • If we're talking about working LGDs then it's logical that the selection (or "testing") is done according to location. For example, In Norway sheep graze on public areas that are open to everyone (hikers, tourists etc). Of this reason the use of LGD is very strict. 1. You're not allowed to have the dogs alone with the sheep in these areas. In other words, a shepherd must be there at all times. 2. The dogs are not allowed to bother ppl passing by unless they're acting stupidly. 3. The dogs must not bother other ppl's sheep who also have the right the graze there. So, the LGD dogs in Norway have to be very laid back towards humans, and they must be more obediant than the average LGD. A LGD test should focus on this more than the ability to fight a predator. The shepherd will notice whether the dog is powerful enough sooner or later anyway,.....and Norwegian shepherds can afford losing a dog. They are insured and get funding from government.