The only ones that should take offence to that comment are the ones guilty as charged. :twisted: I understand you are a newbie, I don't imply anything, if I have a problem with someone I've very direct :wink: I travel in BOTH show and working circles....I know what B$ smells like when I step in it. I have equal amount of time in the show ring, hog pen . OB ring, shutzhund field and hunting everything that flys or runs. Don't try to sell me that rural folks are better than city folks business...that dog don't hunt son. :roll: If a dogs doesn't conform to an accepted standard (that includes temperment) I don't care how many geese it can push in a pen or how long it can hang from a spring pole. I have the same contempt for a dog that is perfect to the standard and can not do what it's origanal job was. I don't assume anything about how dogs are breed, I'ver hunted 'coon & boar and seen with my own two eyes what , how & why the dogs are breed, from East Tenn to East Texas. I make my comments from personnal experience. While I do like Grits....you don't have to be raised on then to understand. :lol: Is your version of the American Bulldog the best? Your're welcome to your opinion....Personnaly, I believe one Catahoula is worth ten Bulldogs on a farm. or in the field. I will give Bulldogs credit as catch dogs.....Just the same, I'm convinced a Propper Rottweiler could catch just as good and not be such a PIA to deal with on hogs when using bay dogs. :lol: