Comment to 'Balck coat and % of white'
  • My friend again. When you breed you breed to get better dogs. One day they were all presa the next two different breeds. Just depends on who you believe. The presa was being recreated for such a long time how could you make a standard for a breed not fully developed yet? When the standard was set the goal set out for was reached. I follow fci because those other guys yap yap yap about working there dogs. But look an see how many titled presas there are then look up dogos. Get my drift. Where are they working them in the basement. Sures hell not at working events. Again judgin the questions you had only two years ago. You're still a rook. You know more then people that have been around before the fci even existed huh? Believe me my friend you haven't even craked the surface dude. Stay online a couple more years then let's debate. Its a waste of time now cause you no it all.