Comment to 'My dog is on borrowed time'
  • I have to agree with everyone here too. All the dogs I've worked with who have that "spark" or yearn to work are wonderful pups, quick to learn, and very well behaved. Once a plateau has been reached in obedience training (no more challenge), the frustration sets in. A good working dog craves new lessons and a purpose constantly. I have always lived by the adage "A good dog is a tired dog" as well, but like my female, which I could exercise and run or walk for miles, she was still "bored" and acting out. Once I uped the mental stimulation as well, she was happy. It sounds about right for your pup. It's time for a job!! 8) 8) Have you had any thoughts as to what activity/job he might excell at? The best way to decide, is to look to his strengths and interests. I have always said a dog is at it's best when you harness their strengths and interests. :D