Comment to 'fighting bitches in same pack'
  • [quote=contactcombat] Is it normal for a 9 month old to start to try to climb the ladder in the hiarchy? Should i , and when should i stop a fight? Do you have any tips and tricks for me, perhaps im doing something wrong. [/quote] It is normal for any dog who has been in a home long enough to be comfortable to start testing the ranks. Stopping a fight depends on the relationship between you and your dogs. Some people can step in between or lay on top of one with minimal to no risk of injury. Others might need to have someone there to help pull the dogs apart at the same time by their back legs or anywhere in between. I would say you are doing something wrong - you recognise that the young one is the trouble maker, yet you're obviously not doing anything to keep her in line and letting her know that what she's doing (annoying the older dogs) is not acceptable behavior. Sure, dogs will have tussles every now and then, but if you don't take control you're likely to end up with a severely injured or even a dead dog... or, at best, you will have to keep them separated. I have a young Cane Corso bitch right now with our pack so I know how they like to play and I will say you will more likely be annoyed with her as they can be pretty stubborn about listening when it comes to wrestling - but better to have that then the alternative.