Comment to 'fighting bitches in same pack'
  • In general , when i read about the situation when one bitch has had a litter, usualy its this bitch( mom ) who is the agressor. In our case its not the mom ( vida ) but gaia the 1,5 year younger bitch. She tries to get her every chance she gets. Vida fights back ferociously but stops immidiately when i step in. Gaia on the other hand does not. she does not let go unless i force her. the fights start in a blink of an eye, when i am not paying attention for one second, or it has started when i am not in the room. also gaia gets exited when there is a lot going on in a room, like greeting time when coming home, or going out time, then she ''snaps'' and attacks. I admit i have let my guard down since last time's episode a year ago. things were peacefull again. up till now.