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Out of an abundance of caution,

if you are feeding Purina pet foods,

I highly recommend you consider switching.

The BEST nutrition to feed your dog for superior health is a whole prey raw food diet.

You know I only share the best information on dog health, nutrition, training, and genetics.

And from time to time, I like to share great content not created by us that you need.

The truth is…

A whole prey raw food diet is ideal for dogs.

This is the best YouTube channel I know of to get your started on your raw food diet journey:


However, not everyone has the means to provide that type of diet.

Whether it is convenience, money, or lack of resources, I completely understand not being able to go full raw meat and bones.

So, the next best thing is a pre-made raw food diet with added bones.

Here’s a consumer ratings report for 2024 on the different types of pre-made raw food diets:


If you can’t feed a pre-made raw food diet with added bones, then choose a NO GRAIN kibble preferably without peas and then supplement with the following:

organ meats

fish oil



raw meat/bones, as you can

When you signed up to the Dire Wolf Project’s Inner Circle email newsletter, I sent you the ebook I wrote, “10 Ways to Alter Your Dog’s Diet for Immediate Health Results”.

This ebook goes into more details on these five additions to a kibble-based diet.

To help you find a good, all-natural supplement in the vast ocean of Internet overload, we have partnered with NuVet Labs.


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Then, our work to help you will also, in turn, help us.

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