Ruski Izvor Kennel

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For these years a lot of dogs have passed through our kennel. Dogs, which form the basis of RUSSIAN SOURCE training, were imported from their home country (Russia and the former USSR), carefully selected and patiently welcomed from the best kennels.

In the pedigrees of our dogs you will meet legendary dogs, as well as current champions in beauty and work, whose names make up the history of the breed. During all these years, we have thoroughly collected various bloodlines and breeding material by importing and mating our females with the best males in the area.

We breed and keep dogs exclusively clean lines recognized by the home country. Every mating of our females is justified, the breeders are carefully selected and meet all our criteria, starting with health, character and ending with beauty and show results. We do not use individuals of dubious origin in breeding, the pedigrees of our dogs are transparent and checked in the home country. Breeders (males and females) in our kennel are checked for elbow and hip dysplasia and have health certificates.

The success of our dogs at shows, as well as the success of the offspring of our dogs recorded on the site and in the memory of breed lovers, for a whole decade our dogs have taken worthy places on pedestals across the country and abroad. You can follow the success of our dogs through our website, as well as the kennel's breeding plan and planned litters.

Also, we try to provide site visitors with a lot of useful information about breeds, breeding, current events. Many articles from professional literature, translated from Russian, are in the "library" of the site.

We hope that your stay on our site will be interesting and pleasant for you!

Welcome to "Russian Source"!


Za ove godine puno je pasa proslo kroz nasu odgajivacnicu. Psi, koje cine bazu odgoja RUSKOG IZVORA su uvezeni iz maticne zemlje (Rusiji i bivseg SSSR), pazljivo birani i strpljivo docekivani iz najboljih odgajivacnica.

U pedigrejima nasih pasa srescete legendarne pse, kao i aktuelne sampione u lepoti i radu, cija imena cine istoriju rase. U toku svih ovih godina smo temeljno prikupljali razlicite krvne linije i priplodni materijal uvozom i parenjima nasih zenki sa najboljima muzjacima u okruzenju.

Gajimo i drzimo pse izkljucivo cistih linija priznatih od strane maticne zemlje. Svako parenje nasih zenki je opravdano, priplodnjaci su pazljivo odabrani i zadavoljavaju sve nase kreterijume, pocev od zdravlja, karaktera i zavrsavajuci lepotom i izlozbenim rezultatima. Ne koristimo u priplodu jedinke sumnjovog porekla, pedigreji nasih pasa su providni i provereni u maticnoj zemlji. Priplodnjaci (muzjake i zenke) u nasoj odgajivacnici provereni na displaziju laktova i kukova i poseduju zdravstveni sertifikati.

Uspeh nasih pasa na izlozbama, kao i uspeh potomaka nasih pasa zabelezen na sajtu i u pamcenju ljubitelja rase, citavu deceniju nasi psi zauzimaju dostojna mesta na postoljima sirom zemlje i u inostranstvu. Uspeh nasih pasa mozete pratiti putem naseg sajta, kao i uzgojni plan odgajivacnice i planirana legla.

Takodje, trudimo se da pruzimo posetiocima sajta dosta korisnih informacija o rasama, uzgoju, aktuelnim desavanjima. Dosta clanaka iz strucne literature, prevedenih sa ruskog nalazi se u "biblioteci" sajta.

Nadamo se da ce boravak na nasem sajtu biti za vas interesantan i prijatan!

Dobrodosli u "Ruski Izvor"!

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Two beautiful Central Asian Puppies from #ruskiizvor #polina
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