Comment to '12,5% APBT x 12,5% English Bullmastiff x 25% Fila x 50% Neo'
  • Fair enough I was not aware it wasnt your dog and as you havent answered my original question of age, obviously it is a very young dog. Yes I agree you cannot force your beliefs on others but am I right in understanding it is your dog as stud? As I said it is different in other countries but as we educate each other there should some understanding of our culture as we of yours. I do not live in an Urban society and am fully aware of what happens outside of Australia. It makes no difference where you live if you show people from many different societies and belief then you should expect some negitive comments. Perhaps explaining what you hoped to achieve would of gone a long way although the picture was sad. Lets hope she manages to cope with the pups and you do achieve what you set out to do with the owner of the female. Good Luck and maybe next time before you allow your dog to father pups find out if the female is of a fair age. That would be within your own beliefs and not controlling others, would it not?