Comment to 'They killed pit bull with 15 bullets...'
  • if they had already intended on shooting that dog...why did they wait?...they were originally close to where they could of done it more humainly with an easy one shot kill...instead of start the shootin when the dogs runnin...etc... i onced witnessed a cop put a couple of rounds in a pit about 15 feet next to me...some knuckle head let 2 pits loose outta his car in a busy parking lot of a mall...and the driver took off...well of course the dogs were freaked...and one ran right out into traffic & got killed...the second...a nearby vet(before i seen the events)tried to get the dog...only to get bit up pretty bad...he was on crutches for awhile...and when i inadvertinaly happened upon things on foot to get some coffee before work...there was like 15 cops around this pit in a circle...then the dog catchers came..."frick n frack" it was like barney phife meets barney phife in mayberry trying to get this dog...well the dog broke at one point...and one of the cops ran after it and shot, hit'em in the did a face plant on the sidewalk...then was trying to crawl along...very sad to witness...then the cop got real close and popped off the final round in the head at about point was over...and needless to wasn't the way i wanted my day to start seeing that...and something i'll never forget either...that was a bad day!!