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They killed pit bull with 15 bullets...

Yeah, I saw that awhile ago. Regardless of whether the dog deserved to die or not, I gotta say that those cops in the video are complete assclowns. How the hell do such pansies become police officers?
Replies (16)
    • After a pit bull bite his new owner,they killed a pit bull with 15 bullets...Here is video http://ekstrabladet.dk/112/article279825.ece
      • Yeah, I saw that awhile ago. Regardless of whether the dog deserved to die or not, I gotta say that those cops in the video are complete assclowns. How the hell do such pansies become police officers?
        • 15 bullets for a dog? 2 or 3 wouldn't be sufficient? An abuse!!!!!!!!! :evil:
          • if they had already intended on shooting that dog...why did they wait?...they were originally close to where they could of done it more humainly with an easy one shot kill...instead of start the shootin when the dogs runnin...etc... i onced witnessed a cop put a couple of rounds in a pit about 15 feet next to me...some knuckle head let 2 pits loose outta his car in a busy parking lot of a mall...and the driver took off...well of course the dogs were freaked...and one ran right out into traffic & got killed...the second...a nearby vet(before i seen the events)tried to get the dog...only to get bit up pretty bad...he was on crutches for awhile...and when i inadvertinaly happened upon things on foot to get some coffee before work...there was like 15 cops around this pit in a circle...then the dog catchers came..."frick n frack" it was like barney phife meets barney phife in mayberry trying to get this dog...well the dog broke at one point...and one of the cops ran after it and shot, hit'em in the body...dog did a face plant on the sidewalk...then was trying to crawl along...very sad to witness...then the cop got real close and popped off the final round in the head at about point blank...it was over...and needless to say...it wasn't the way i wanted my day to start seeing that...and something i'll never forget either...that was a bad day!!
            • I wonder why the pit bull bit his new owner any ideas? My pit bull is well behaved now and affectionate dog. I don't want to get into a situation like that. I wonder if there are any tell tale signs that one's pit bull will bite them. I am the alpha of the pack but I don't over do it I give him some slack. I wonder if maybe sometimes the pit bull becomes alpha in the family little by little jumping on family members, licking face, walking on furniture, ripping things up? Mine doesn't do this. Or is it sometimes biological/psychological imbalance? Or bad up bringing? Or maybe all of the above? Mine was a little wild when younger because he wasn't obediance trained by previous owners. But now he behaves because I trained him, he trusts me and I treat him well. I don't want my dog to turn out like one of those dogs though.
              • miha can you translate that artical??...curious of more details... IMO...its most likey at some point...either the previous was a bad owner and/or new owner(maybe inexperienced) was as well...who knows...but usually i feel the blame or reasons one would find in the human mistakes...if the whole picture could be observed...i just personally have never heard of an experienced handler/owner gettin attacked by their dog unprovoked...etc... the thing is...alot of different types of dogs bite people & family members...but pits are news worthy...others aren't so much...
                • I would like someone to post an accurate translation of the article as well.
                  • I've "translated" an article in swedish if it's okay: http://sydsvenskan.se/malmo/article223835.ece Hope it will make any sence...8) [quote]Cops shooting dog after manattack. The police shot and killed a fightingdog* that bit his 20-year old owner bloody during sundayafternoon. The owner, a man in his twenties, was brought to hospital with severe injuries to his right underarm and both feets. LINDÄNGEN (that's the place in Malmö/Sweden where it took place). The time was about 14:30 when both police and ambulance got the call to Lindängsvägen in Malmö. By that time civilians had got the dog to stop biting and rescued the owner. Roland Strandh were one of them that helped the owner get rescued from the dog. - I came driving from a friends place and I noticed that there where a lot of cars and people that stood waving, so I stoped. Then I saw a dog that that was tearing into a man, he tells Sydsvenskan. -Atleast three persons where charing the dog, and then they starting to throw bottles on it. Another man that had stoped took the bikeholder from his car and started bashing the dog over the back, but it still kept on biting. - I kicked the dog, that eventually let go of the owner. The owner was pretty badly bit by then, Roland Strandh tells us. He then bar the way of the dog with a tarpaulin. By that time the dog had managed to bite his owner severly. The bites where deep, and the man was bleeding heavily. -The dog didn't wanna stop biting, and tried time after time to attack the owner, says Roland Strandh, and wondered why so few that had stopped actually tried to help the owner. The cops from Skånepolisens insatsstyrka ((like S.W.A.T.) piketen (i.e patrol vagon) tried to imobilise the dog by pepperspraying it. That did'nt help. Then the police decided to shot the dog so it could'nt attack them or the civilians in the area. - To shoot a dog is the last way out, says Lotta Peter Narbe, deputy boss for piketen. One of the cops shot a total of 15 shot to the dog that tried to escape. - All the shots did'nt find its target, the dog was moving when it was shot at, says Peter Narbe. The corpse was then taken to Sysavs waste-station to be burnt. - The owner did'nt do any demands on it, says Peter Narbe. - He said that he purchased the dog from a stranger 3 days ago. Seems very serius. During the time the cops tried to uthinise the dog several civilians helped the wounded man dress(?) the man while waiting for the ambulance personel to take over. Roland Strand changed a few words whit the victim before he was taken to the Universityhospital in Malmö by ambulance. - A wished him good luck and told him that his dog was dead, he says. The man now receives treatment by orthopedics and plasticsurgeons on the Universityhospital MAS. He recieved deep biting wounds mainly in his feets and his right arm in the attack. - His condition is stable. But it's estimated that he will need surgery throuout the week, atleast, says the hospitals head of information Hans-Göran Boklund.[/quote] * any dog that resembles a pitbull is called a fightingdog in Sweden.
                    • Thanks SAM.
                      • Here in Sweden, the policeforce is a tad different than in the states. The crimerate and the nature of crimes is also very different. The gun laws is also very different (echo), it's illegal to own a gun unless you're like a hunter with license, or a criminal:wink:. And we don't have animalofficers? and such over here. The number of purebred Pitbulls is also very very small.' We also have a completely different way/laws on how dogs should be kept. But the general dog-community here in Sweden thinks that these cops where complete asses in this case.
                        • Realy scary...Thanks Sam for translation :wink:
                          • appreciate it sam...hmmmm a 20 yr old bought the dog a few days before from a stranger...think human is at fault in that dogs life or just a physco dog that lost his mind at that exact moment...i'll side with the human element...
                            • I think three days is a very short period of time to have bonded with an adult dog. I'm not sure I'd be willing to purchase an adult Pit Bull unless it was EXTREMELY sociable and not at all interested in "social climbing". Usually, but not always, the gamebred ones are like this. I'd also not be interested unless I was sure that it was properly socialized. In other words, I'd have to truly know the dog and witness it in various social situations.
                              • The strange thing is that people, according to the article, was charing the dog and throwing bottles at it. No wonder it got aggitated... And I also think that this was some "ghetto" thang, whith the dog and all that. Malmö is Swedens East L.A. 8) Except that there might be one or to murders per month if even that.
                                • Actually, the translation doesn't describe what initiated the dog attack: [quote]"... I came driving from a friend's place and I noticed that there were a lot of cars and people that stood waving, so I stopped. Then I saw a dog that was tearing into a man, he tells Sydsvenskan..."[/quote] I doubt the truth will come out as the "owner" was severely bitten by his own dog. Nothing to be proud about.
                                  • I think that was really wrong what the cops did to that dog... i had plenty of pits and they never tried to bit me and when I even had one that I got that was already grown they had to warm up to me because they were in a different environment... in order for a dog to bit you it had to be provoked or the previous owner was a bad owner... but don't get me wrong few dogs may bite but brutally like that is very rare... I jumped at the last shot at the head and I felt very bad for that dog... like it was stated earlier those dumb ass cops had an oppurtunity to shoot him when the clip first came on cause they were gonna do it anyway... they just wanted to be assholes about it and that makes me sick :( :evil: I feel like ya'll cause I wanna know more on why the dog just bit his owner for nothing!!!
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