Comment to 'EGP Pretty Girl Sasha and MQH Paul playing '
  • She’s great. I haven’t done any pulling with her in a while. But I was thinking if it .

    • A week or two ago I had Sasha and Paul outside playing. They were chasing each other. Paul was trying to breed her. She was only interested in playing. She has a very high ball drive. They got a ball. Both were trying to get it. The ball went under a car. They couldn't get under the car. I could literally see her go into prey drive. It was like a light switch. She started digging and totally lost where she was. She was not going to leave it and not stop until she got it. You would have soon a groundhog or some other quarry was in there. She got half of her body under the car. Paul went around the back of the car and got the