Pam, If you spend some time around trainers that almost exclusively use punishment like Cesar and watch the reactions of the dogs vs. other trainers that work with more positive methods you will immediately begin to see the difference in the dogs. Dogs that work with Cesar show anxiety, distrust and fear worrying about what punishment they receive and they wonder why the heck it's happening to them. Dogs worked with positive methods show enthusiasm and have tremendous focus on their trainers. Cesar immediately goes to and is eliciting the desired behavior of the dog through force and punishment without first trying combinations of positive methods. some will call what Cesar does a correction. A correction should only be used on a dog once it understands what the behavior is that is being asked of it and does not perform the behavior or more specifically it it becomes distracted and loses focus on you. With Cesar's methods a dog pulls on a leash and wham he jerks it to get it to stop pulling. Regardless of whether he is pulling to the side or back it is still force and punishment. A dog pulls on a leash because it is more interested in it's surroundings than it is in you. Your job is to get the dog to want to pay more attention to you than to anything else around it. It should learn to do that in a happy playful positive manner that reduces anxiety, fear and stress such as having the opportunity to play tug of war, chase a frisbee, get a belly rub, receive a treat. Think about yourself would you rather pay attention to somebody because they give you money or because they put a rope around your neck and jerk it and choke you. Who would you respond to more enthusiastically? I can take a dog that pulls on a lead, put a buckle collar on it and put it on a fifteen foot lead, use a tug toy, treats or frisbee and have it heeling at my side looking at me much more happily and much more quickly and more consistently than somebody who is going to immediately go directly to haltis, pinch collars, shock collars, choke collars or do as Cesar does and place the collar so high on the dog's neck that it causes the dog to not pull because of the extreme discomfort and pain from the force that is being placed on his trachea and wind pipe. There is definitely a place for some of the training tools I've mentioned as being tools of punishment but those are limited circumstances for specific behavioral reasons and should be used by people who know what they are doing. Bottom line is in my opinion that Cesar Milan is nothing more than an animal abuser and torturer.