Comment to 'What do you think of this training?'
  • What do you think is a good school to become a certified dog trainer? I'm looking to work with dogs and this course has six months of online, 10 hours of working with a shelter or humane society of my choice then 240 hours of working with someone that is already a certified dog trainer. The complete curriculum is one year.

    I'm looking to learn how to become a trainer then branch out to other specialties. Other specialties aren't inexpensive, I've seen one military work dog training costing 11K. This is an extensive program and dogs like this are used in military to work with service members in combat.

    I like personal protection too. I'd like to learn schutzhund. There is schutzhund course near me which is 5K for 4 weeks.

    What is everyone's opinions on any of these schools or any others that are credible.

    I may need to work a few years as a trainer before taking the other specialties so that I have a solid foundation.

    I want to eventually breed, board and train as a business.