Comment to 'What is wrong with my dog?'
  • At this point we are trying to rule out a back injury, the vet was putting pressure on his spine to see if there was any area that would cause pain. She said that he growled when she put pressure on a certain part of his spine, however, I did not hear it and she could not get him to react again. She told me to give him buffered aspirin for the next two days to see if he has that episode again. She thinks that it might be epilepsy but wants to try out the aspirin issue first to see if it happens while he Is on it. He tested negative for limes disease or heart worm, I have attached an image of the blood screens that were ordered for him. We want to rule out injury first by utilizing the pain medicine and the bloodscreen to make she that his organs and blood count is normal. If this doesn't find the issue , I will have to look. Into a MRI :( I will take an injured back or weak back but I pray my boy doesn't have epilepsy. I guess I am a bad owner because a MRI is going to cost a ton, I will do it regardless but I can finance it or something. At the end of the day my dog health is my priority, I just hope whatever we find is not ruinning his quality of life. Bernie had a quick growl episode very shortly before my wife took this picture, his body language and positioning was exactly the same as to when he growled. So far today he has only done it twice.