Comment to 'BREEDING - The Big Picture!'
  • I am not going to argue with you about this anymore. I say "argue" because honestly it isn't a debate...not when the facts and history show things like they do. Also, you might really want to question the "performance" testing that dog and his parents did. Anyway...take care. You have your mind closed on it, and it is pointless to discuss this with someone that refuses to accept historical facts. Oh...and if you like, you can also look at the OFA stats website and you will see the worst hip dogs are the ones with the highest percentage of OFA records and show dogs, while the best tend to still be from performance oriented breeds. GSD were once a sound animal. Show and other non-performance testing led to dogs being weak in the rear. It is done over and over again. The APBT was a totally sound dog typically speaking just 20-30 years ago. Although pit fighting is still done, when it became outlawed (as it should have), knowledgeable "respectable" participants left the activity. The APBT community was PARTIALLY replaced with show breeders and weight pullers. Weight pulling although it measures strength isn't really a performance measure (nor for soundness), and show breeders began using lab tests...again, another breed started its non-peformance downfall. The numbers and history is there. Don't take my word for it. Just go look for yourself. They have the numbers on their website.