Comment to 'Evolution or creation of breeds'
  • If there's one thing we know about science, it's that our knowledge is very finite. That's similar to the "Socrates is wise..." paradox, but it works. Dawkins effort to dissuade belief in God using science is silly. If everything is based on what you can prove/disprove, then what's the point of taking an authoritative stance on something you cannot (dis)prove. As for Christians who think evolution is a challenge to Christianity, I'd like to know where it says that in the Bible or church tradition. If anything, evolution, even if we know very little about it, suggests a God. If anyhting, modern science (evolution, psychology, etc.) are more a threat to the philosophy which Christianity has supported itself with, than Christianity itself. And philosophy doesn't seem to run and pick fights w/ science. Scholaticism employed Arsitotle because he believed there was an order for things and being god meant understanding. Science, though it fucks up a lot of Aristotle's arguments, could do the same for Christianity.