Comment to 'Molossus Myth and Other Mastiff Malarky'
  • Yes I read that before, Gary. Its comical to read this nonsense when the guy admittedly says this, " [Note: Because I do not have access to a university library, I have been unable to check all literary references to the Molossus dog. Those that I have not been able to check include: Pollux, V, 37-1 Oppian, Cynegetica 1, 375; Plautus, Captivi 86-, Seneca, Phaedra 33; Statius, Thebais III, 203, Silvae 11, 6, 19, Achilleis 1, 747; Martial XR, 1, 1, Claudian, Stilicho H, 215, III, 293. 1 encourage anyone with the opportunity to do so to check out these references and see if anything else germane to the topic can be found.]" 8O 8O Totally ridiculus to even try to make an intelligent arguement when you haven't read every last scrap of history and over-turned every stone. Wise people will notice this is written by a bulldog enthusiast and their is an agenda tied to it. That is why it is irrelevant.