Comment to 'The function of nails'
  • alot of the puffy feet if you look close you can see the interdigital cyst's between the toes, I have never had this in one of my own, so i dont know if it is genetic or what, penelope has fatter feet but she has never had a cyst or redness. The redness on some i suspect is a bit of demo or maybe staph infection from being kept in damp conditions, it looks painful and you see the dogs limping so you know it affects them. I said it was a pet peeve and I dont like it , its serious enough for me to exclude a dog from breeding because of it, I was watching a show on tv and seen a dog who i had always liked, a bit over done but still liked him then they panned out and i seen his feet and OMG well he was off my favorite list Carlos if you just have splayed toes on a loose foot a change in exercise,footing material and nutrition can straighten things out, I doubt some of the balloon feet i am talking about could be cured