Comment to 'The function of nails'
  • [size=12]Hi all, I often wonder about the function of the toenails on the Neoapolitan Mastiff and a few other breeds. In most breeds the nails seem to be positioned and constructed to be used as weapons for gouging or to assist in digging and foraging. So the nails will grow and curve down to touch the ground and can be somewhat extended when to dogs dig or grapple. I have yet to see a Neo whose nails appear to perform a function similar to what I described above. Maybe they are not supposed to. I am seeking info and not looking to start another battle over the Neo functionality. Just look back through the gallery and you will see that most of the Neo feet - the nails are little things that just seem to stick straight out and cannot touch the ground - not because of grooming. I will try to find and snip some photos to include. Please let me know your thoughts as I have always been curious about this.[/size]